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1st July MCQ


    1st July MCQ

    Welcome to your 1st July MCQ

    Q1. With reference to the PLI Scheme for Telecom & Networking Products, consider the following statements:

    1. The guidelines for the PLI Scheme for Telecom & Networking Products have been amended to introduce design-led manufacturing with additional incentive rates.

    2. The design-led manufacturing scheme is open for both medium and small-scale enterprises (MSMEs) and non-MSMEs, including domestic and global companies.

    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?Deselect Answer

    Q2. Consider the following statements regarding Development Finance Institutions (DFIs).

    1. Development Finance Institutions provide risk capital for economic development projects on non-commercial basis.

    2. Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) was setup as India’s first DFI before Independence.

    3. During the pre-liberalised era, India had DFIs that were primarily engaged in development of industry in the country.

    Which of the above statements is/are correct?Deselect Answer

    Q3. Consider the following statements regarding Antimicrobial Resistance.

    1. Antimicrobial Resistance is the ability of a microbe to resist the effects of medication.

    2. They can spread between people and animals, including from food of animal origin, and from person to person.

    3. Antimicrobial resistant-microbes does not occur naturally.

    Which of the above statements is/are correct?Deselect Answer

    Q4. Kaliningrad, often mentioned in news, is located in:
    Q5. Partnership for Global Infrastructure (PGII) is an initiative of:

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