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Eligibility for IAS/IPS

    General 32 years , OBC 35 years, SC/ST 37 years

    IAS Eligibility Overview

    Age Limit for IAS Exam 21 to 32 years
    Age Relaxation As per category (mentioned below)
    Educational Qualification for IAS Graduation/Final year or appearing
    Nationality Indian citizens only

    IAS Eligibility – UPSC Age Limit

    Category UPSC Age Limit – Upper Relaxation Number of Attempts
    General 32 6
    OBC 35 9
    SC/ST 37 Unlimited (Up to age limit)
    Disabled Defence Services Personnel 35 9
    Ex-Servicemen 37 9
    Persons with
    Benchmark Disability – EWS (Economically weaker section)
    42 9

    Candidates should also check the EWS Reservation Eligibility in the linked article for in-depth understanding.


    As per the IAS Eligibility for Defence Servicemen, the persons Disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof have special Civil Services age limit relaxation.

    The IAS Eligibility states that ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment of 5 years Military Service as on 1st August 2020 get five years of age relaxation, provided whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case the Ministry of Defense issues a certificate that they can apply for civil employment and that they will be released on three months’ notice on the selection from the date of receipt of an offer of appointment.

    IAS Eligibility- Educational Qualification

    The various academic requirements as per the IAS Eligibility Criteria are given below:

    • Minimum qualification for UPSC exam: The candidate must hold a degree from Government recognised UGC or possess an equivalent qualification.
    • Candidates who are in their final year or awaiting results are also eligible to appear for UPSC preliminary Examination. All such candidates who are likely to appear for IAS exams must produce proof of having passed the said examination along with the application for the main IAS examination.
    • Candidates having professional and technical qualifications recognised by the Government as equivalent to professional and technical degrees.
    • Medical students who have passed the final year of MBBS, but are yet to complete their internship also have eligibility for IAS. Although, along with the Main Examination application, a certificate of course completion (including internship) from the concerned authority of the University/Institution has to be submitted.

    IAS Eligibility – Nationality

    For IAS and IPS:

    • Candidate must be a citizen of India

    All other Services:

    • Candidate must be either:
      1. A citizen of India, or
      2. A subject of Nepal, or
      3. A subject of Bhutan, or
      4. A Tibetan refugee who came to India before 1st January 1962 intending to settle in India permanently, or
      5. A person of Indian origin (PIO) who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Ethiopia, Zaire and Vietnam intending to settle in India permanently.
    • The candidates belonging to categories (2), (3), (4) and (5) should furnish a certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India. Such candidates may take the exam before getting the said certificate of eligibility, but he/she would get the offer of appointment only after the Government of India has issued the certificate.
    • Point to Note: A person belonging to categories (2), (3) and (4) are not eligible for appointment to the Indian Foreign Service (IFS).

    Summary of UPSC eligibility criteria for IAS Exam

    Candidates must satisfy the following conditions to be eligible for the UPSC IAS Exam:

    Nationality for IAS exam: Must be a citizen of India, a person of Indian origin or a subject of Nepal, Bhutan or Tibet settled in India before 1st January 1962.

    Education Qualification for IAS exam: Candidate must hold a Graduate Degree from a recognised University.

    UPSC Age limit for IAS exam: Candidate must be a minimum of 21 years of age and must not be more than 32 years of age.

    Category wise UPSC age limit, relaxation and maximum attempts

    1. General Category & EWS: 32 years; 6 attempts.
    2. OBC (with certificate): 32 years + 3 years; 9 attempts.
    3. SC/ST: 32 years + 5 years; unlimited attempts.
    4. Physically Disabled: 32 years + 10 years; Gen/OBC/Person with Benchmark Disability (EWS category)- 9 attempts & SC/ST unlimited attempts.
    5. Jammu & Kashmir Domicile: 32 years + 5 years + (3 years, if OBC OR 5 Years, if SC/ST); Number of attempts depends on the reserved category.
    6. Disabled and discharged Defence service personnel: 32 years + 3 years + (3 years, if Gen/OBC OR 5 years, if SC/ST)
    7. Ex-Servicemen Commission Officer: 32 years + 5 years + (3 years, if OBC OR 5 Years, if SC/ST)

    Admission open for IAS/IPS 2024-25 Exam.

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