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Five Easy and Effective Ways to Complete Your UPSC Mains Papers within the Allotted Time

    Five Easy and Effective Ways to Complete Your UPSC Mains Papers within the Allotted Time

    Aspirants are required to answer all the nine UPSC Mains papers within the stipulated time of three hours. However, most candidates find trouble in completing these papers within the allotted time. There is psychology behind this, which is deliberately made by UPSC. This means that UPSC makes candidates do their best in their exams. This, in turn, will make them offer the best performance under all types of work pressure. If you are attempting the exam, here are the five rasy and effective ways to complete your UPSC Mains papers within three tours.

    1. Practice and Improve Your Writing Skills

    One effective way of completing the Mains exam is writing speedily. Although you are thorough with your subjects, if your writing skill is low, you cannot get success. The fast writing practice will aid you greatly in cultivating and nurturing throughout the journey.

    1. Convey Your Ideas As Much As You Can

    This means that you need to provide more information in less space in the answer booklet. You can achieve this by incorporating figures, maps, and bullet points whenever you have a scarcity of time. This will not only aid you considerably in presenting your content with a fresh, but you can present more information, as well.

    1. Think Less Write More

    You are required to avoid over thinking while writing your answers. This means that you have to write what you know quickly. You can accomplish this by framing the answers in your mind and improvising to make them better. You should understand that your hand should continue writing while your brain is structuring the answers.

    1. Keep Yourself Away From Stress

    Stress will make you feel tired both physically as well as mentally while writing the answers. Therefore, you are always supposed to be prepared to attend your exam with full energy. To avoid physical pain, you can use a pen that gives you the required physical comfort and writing speed. If you have a healthy dinner and a good night’s sleep, before the day of your exam, you will be capable of avoiding mental stress effectively.

    1. Avoid Reading All the Questions First

    This means that you are required to write the answer one at a time. This will not only reduce your stress while answering challenging questions. This will also allow you to bring the ideas from your mind immediately and easily. If you do not know the answer, start answering the next question quickly. This will reduce your mental stress considerably. This is for the reason that your brain will adjust to the traumatic situation automatically after some minutes, besides giving you the required confidence to answer other questions quickly.

    When you follow the above-mentioned tricks and tips, you will be capable of getting the best out of the situation, meaning you can find enough or more time to answer the UPSC Mains booklet easily and quickly. It is also vital to keep in mind that your success mainly counts on your hard work as well as on the appetite for information. When you have these two qualities, you will not only be capable of completing your UPSC Mains paper quickly. These qualities will aid you greatly in coming out of your UPSC exam with excellence, as well.