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How to take Preparation for Mains of UPSC in a Short Time Span

    How to take Preparation for Mains of UPSC in a Short Time Span

    Are you preparing for IAS? The right approach of preparation is Prelims cum Mains style. This approach gives time to students to complete the huge syllabus in small portions over the course of examination. But at times, aspirants leave the preparation for Mains and thus, have to face challenging situation while appearing for the Mains. What to do in such tricky situation? Here is a solution for you…


    • First thing that an aspirant should do is check the test papers of previous year. This will help him to understand the type of questions and the area to emphasize. For instance, generally one question is asked from World History in GS-1 but, this does not imply that one should not study this subject.
    • Students should also find out important areas from where maximum questions are likely to be asked. Try attempting all the questions of the previous year from that area and practice writing them so that a student can properly prepare the content and understand the technique of writing it.
    • Take similar approach for all other subjects and organize them according to importance. However, take a minimum preparation for the least important subjects as well since marks of each subject counts. So, devote time accordingly. Same rule is to be followed for optional papers as well.


    Students who devote sufficient time for Prelims, have a sound understanding of some topics that are common to Prelims and Mains. For instance, GS2 overlaps with Polity of Prelims and Environment, Science & Technology of GS3 overlaps with similar subject in Prelims. Now, one has to study these topics in greater details for Mains. This will definitely improve the answers in a short time period since students have already gained an understanding of the basics. They have to only polish the knowledge.


    GS1, GS2 and GS3 have vast area of study while GS4 has shorter syllabus and can be completed faster. Together with this, students have to give special emphasis on Essay paper. Ethics paper is quite scoring and students here get an opportunity to increase their overall score in GS. Essay paper is also a rewarding paper than other GS papers and the things that students learn during UPSC preparation can certainly be used for writing a good essay. The essay must be written well with proper structure, content, clarity and coherence.

    These tips are definitely helpful in improving the score of Mains. One should focus on practicing answer writing because if a student is unable to complete all questions within the stipulated time, then his chance of selection decreases. More you practice writing; closer you get to the marks.