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Indian Defence Estates Service (IDES)

    Indian Defence Estates Service (IDES)

    The Indian Defence Estates Service (IDES) is a formally established Group A Central Service within the Ministry of Defence of the Government of India. The UPSC’s annual Civil Services Examination serves as the basis for hiring new members of the Service. There is a history of this service closely linked with the history of our nation. The Department was established on December 16, 1926. The recent history of our country and the development of the IDES are intimately related.

    The Service was initially known as the Military Lands and Cantonments Service, and then Defence Lands and Cantonments Service. In 1985, the Service came to be formally known as the Indian Defence Estates Service.

    Description of the service

    The structure of the Service is 3 tiered, Apex level, Mid-level and Field level.

    At the apex level is the Directorate General, located at Delhi Cantt. The officers in charge of the Directorate General are an IDES. The Senior Additional Director General is the only one (HAG). Moreover, there are four Additional Director Generals (SAG) who are in charge of different Divisions.


    The middle level comprises the Directorates as Regional Headquarters supervising the

    field offices. There are six Directorates, co-located with the six Army Commands. The Army commands are located at Lucknow, Pune, Jammu, Kolkata, Chandigarh and South-Western Command at Jaipur. All these Directorates are headed by the Principal Directors (HAG level) and assisted by the Directors (SAG level) and staff officers. All these officers are from the IDES service.


    At the Field level, there are Chief Executive Officers in each of the 62 Cantonment Boards, Defense Estates Officers in each of the 37 Defence Estates Circles, and 04 Assistant Defence Estates Offices, all of which are at the forefront of administration.

    Also, in Defence Estates Officers also works at the field level administration. DEOs are an agent of the Central Government in the domain of land management. CEO and DEO are IDES officers selected through UPSC CSE.


    All IDES officers undergo a foundation training at LBSNAA are sent to National Institute of Defence Estates Management  (NIDEM) in New Delhi for core training. NIDEM, a Central Training Institute was established in 1982 at Meerut Cantonment to function as a premier training institute for Indian Defence Estates Service Officers.

    Currently, NIDEM’s first phase lasts for about 6 months before officers are deployed out into the field as CEOs or DEOs. Officers are summoned back to NIDEM for “End of probation training” at the end of the probationary period.

    OTs are taught Parliamentary laws, Accounting principles, Civil Engineering principles, Electoral rules, VIP protocols and much more at NIDEM.

    Career prospects in the service

    After completion of training, an OTs are generally given field postings and they start their career as CEO or DEO of any Cantonment area. As CEO you will be the Member -Secretary of the Cantonment Board. As a CEO, you will be responsible for healthcare services, education services, maintaining infrastructure, fixing and collecting tax, generating non-tax revenue, sanctioning plans and many more.

    As a DEO, you will be given charge of circle comprising of supernumerary districts. As a DEO, you will have to surveying defence land for Army, Air Force and Navy, disbursing service charges- to Cantonment Boards, land acquisition, hire land for armed forces, renewing leases and licences and many more.

    Below the designation list is attached


    Designation Structure of IDES

    Organisational Structure

    Organisational Structure of IDES

    Functions and Responsibilities

    1. Management of Defence Lands measuring about 17.57 lakhs acres;
    2. Develop Cantonments as modern townships including provision of quality school education for all children, health care for all residents, social care system for the aged, differently abled and disadvantaged sections of society
    3. Administration of 62 Cantonment Boards- the institutions of local self government- in as many cantonments notified under the Cantonments Act, 2006
    4. Acquisition, Hiring, Requisitioning of immovable properties for defence purposes
    5. Regular audit of defence land inter-alia to optimize its utilization
    6. Regular survey of defence land
    7. Regular survey of defence land
    8. Handling of litigation arising out of land acquisition for defence purposes
    9. Maintenance of state of the art archives for holding old records including restoration and preservation of old/damaged paper records, and their conversion into more durable forms
    10. Exercise of quasi-judicial functions conferred under special laws like the Cantonments Act, 2006, the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized Occupants) Act, 1971, the Arbitration Act, the Rent Control Act