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All hail the Vishwaguru


    All hail the Vishwaguru

    If you were ever confused by the question, “What are India’s aspirations?”  Help is at hand. Think of India as a Vishwaguru. Vishwagurus aspire to be teachers to the world. They point to the true spring of LIFE.

    In 1999, one of the leaders of, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), wrote “people have to forego and limit their personal pleasure and work for the realisation of the dream of making Bharat the Vishwaguru again.

    Great men such as Swami Vivekananda, Savarkar, Dr Hedgewar, Subhas Chandra Bose, Aurobindo Ghose, saw this dream and did wonderful work towards its realization

    Vishwa Guru has to spread the light of knowledge. The quintessential message emanating from the idea of India is that civilisational cultures travel from the past through the present and to the future.

    We can’t break from our traditions but at the same time, we also can’t be prisoners of them. India can set an example of how we can move towards modernity and still save ourselves from mindless Westernisation.

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