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Daily PIB 11th August 2023


    Daily PIB 11th August 2023

    Legionnaire’s disease: It is a severe form of pneumonia — lung inflammation usually caused by infection. It’s caused by a bacterium known as legionella.

    This bacterium is found in lakes and ponds, but they can also develop in tanks and other water systems.The most common form of transmission of Legionella is inhalation of contaminated aerosols from contaminated water. The main symptoms are fever, chills, headache, malaise and muscle pain (myalgia).Treatments exist, but there is no vaccine currently available for Legionnaires’ disease.


    United Nations Population Fund: It is an international development agency created in 1968 to support the execution of projects and programmes in the area of population and sexual and reproductive health. Its mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

    In 1987, it was officially renamed as the United Nations Population Fund but the original abbreviation UNFPA (United Nations Fund for Population Activities) was retained.

    Headquarters: New YorkIt is not directly responsible for the collection of primary statistics; it plays an important role in the technical and financial support of statistical activities in countries, such as population censuses and thematic surveys etc.

    UNFPA funds assistance, research, and advocacy programs in three major areas:

    Reproductive health, including family planning, safe motherhood, and the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases,The population problems of developed and developing countries and possible strategies for addressing them.Issues related to the status of women, including the gender gap in education.UNFPA assistance programs are undertaken only in response to government requests.


    National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS): The NAFIS is a pan-India searchable database of crime and criminal-related fingerprints. It is managed by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) at the Central fingerprint bureau, based in New Delhi.

    The main objective of the web-based application is to collect fingerprint data of all the criminals from all the states and the Union Territories. It will enable law enforcement agencies to upload, trace and retrieve information from the database 24×7 in real-time.

    The Working Process of NAFIS: NCRB enables law enforcement agencies to upload, trace, and retrieve data from the database. Within 24 hours, NAFIS provides a unique 10-digit National Fingerprint Number (NFN) to each criminal who is arrested for the crime.

    The unique ID will be used for a lifetime of an offender. Different crimes registered under different FIRs will be logged as incidents belonging to the same NFN.

    The first two digits of the ID will be the state code of the state where the criminal is registered, followed by a sequence number. The state partition will have IDs belonging to a state.

    Apart from this, a digital record will be added as storage to match the fingerprints in the future.

    With NAFIS, it is possible to locate a person of interest in a matter of minutes and connect that individual’s name to any active warrants, warnings, or information about related criminal conduct stored in other police information reference systems.


