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Daily PIB 13th May 2023


    Daily PIB 13th May 2023

    • Amangarh Tiger Reserve: It is located in Amangarh in Bijnor district in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It is situated in the Terai region and covers an area of around 578 sq km.It shares its boundaries with Jim Corbett National Park of Uttarakhand. It was originally part of the Jim Corbett National Park, and after the state of Uttarakhand was carved out of Uttar Pradesh, Jim Corbett went to Uttarakhandand Amangarh remained in Uttar Pradesh. It was declared a tiger reserve in 2012.The vegetation of the tiger reserve is a combination of grasslands, wetlands and dense forest.


    • Public Interest Litigation: It has not been defined in any Indian statute. However, Courts have interpreted and defined PIL. The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has, in the case of Janata Dal v. H.S.Chaudhary, [(AIR 1993 SC 892) held that lexically, the expression ‘PIL’  means a legal action started in a court of law for the enforcement of public/general interest where the public or a particular class of the public some interest (including pecuniary interest) that affects their legal rights or liabilities.Any individual or organisation can file a PIL either in his/her/their own standing i.e. to protect or enforce a right owed to him/her/them by the government or on behalf of a section of society who is disadvantaged or oppressed and is not able to enforce their own rights. The concept of “Locus Standi” has been relaxed in the case of PILs so as to enable the Hon’ble Court to look into grievances that are filed on behalf of those who are poor, illiterate, deprived or disabled and are unable to approach the courts themselves. Suo moto cognizance may also be taken by the Court.PILs are extensions of Writ Jurisdiction. Therefore, PILs may be filed either before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India under Article 32 of the Indian Constitution or any High Court under Article 226 of the Indian Constitution.


    • GBU-57: It is known as the “Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP)”.It is a GPS-guided, earth-penetrating strike weapon for use against hard and deeply buried targets.MOP is one of the most powerful non-nuclear bombs in the world.It is manufactured by Boeingand used by the United States Air Force.It is used to destroy deeply entrenched enemy bunkers such as those concealing a supply of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The bomb is 20.5 feet long with a diameter of 31.5 inches.Weight: 14,000 kg MOP is carried by the B-2 Spirit bomber, which can carry two of the bombs at a time. The bomb is equipped with a delayed-action fuse, allowing the warhead to survive the impact, not detonating until the bomb has stopped traveling underground.


    • INS Tarini: INSV Tarini is returning home after successfully completing the 17000-nautical miles trans-ocean inter-continental voyage in seven months. The two women officers undertook the voyage from Goa to Rio de Janerio via Cape Town and back, spanning over 188 days of sailing on the vessel.The current sailing expedition of INSV Tarini is part of the run-up towards the Navy’s next big project to send a woman to circumnavigate the globe solo.It is the second sailboat of Indian Navy after INSV Mhedi.It is known for circumnavigating the globe with an all-women officer crew in the historic expedition titled ‘Navika Sagar Parikrama’ in 2017.
