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    Regional Anti Terrorist Structure( RATS): SCO-RATS is a permanent body of the Sanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

    It is promoting coordination and interaction between the SCO member states as per as fight against terrorism, extremism and separatism are concern.The main functions of SCO-RATS are information sharing.As a member, India has actively participated in the activities of RATS.India’s permanent membership would enable it to generate greater understanding among members for its perspective.India has chaired the Council of RATS SCO. It’s Member States are Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyz Republic,Pakistan, Russian Federation,Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and India.   


    Social Progress Report:Economic Advisory Council(PM) will release the Social Progress Index (SPI) for states and districts of India.The report has been prepared by Institute for Competitiveness and the Social Progress Imperative.

    SPI is a comprehensive tool intended to be a holistic measure of the Social Progress made by the country at the national and sub-national levels. SPI assesses the performance of states and districts on three dimensions of social progress: Basic Human Needs, Foundations of Wellbeing, and Opportunity.


    Kasturi Cotton India: MoU signed between Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) Limited and TEXPROCIL on Branding, Traceability and Certification of “Kasturi Cotton India”.

    This mechanism will provide complete traceability of Cotton from the origin farm level, QR Code based Certification technology to validate “KASTURI Cotton India” at each stage and will Promote “KASTURI Cotton India” as a premium brand by enhancing international perception & valuation of Indian Cotton. This will make Indian cotton as a reliable quality product in the domestic and global markets.

    Additionally, Ministry of Textiles had announced the “Kasturi Cotton India”,  Brand of cotton on the eve of World Cotton Day on 7th October 2020 by which Indian cotton was endowed with a brand and a logo that represents Whiteness, Softness, Purity, Lusture and Indianness.


    Longest Escape Tunnel: The USBRL (Udhampur Srinagar Baramulla Rail Link) is a National project undertaken by the Indian Railways for construction of broad-gauge railway line through the Himalayas, with the aim of connecting the Kashmir region with rest of the country. Recently a major milestone has been achieved by executing the breakthrough of Escape Tunnel T-49 on the Katra –Banihal section of the USBRL project. The length of the escape tunnel is 12.895 km. This is the longest escape tunnel of India.It is a modified horseshoe shape tunnel.

    The tunnel has been constructed by the New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM), which is a modern technique of drill and blast processes.


    PM VIKAS Scheme:The Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Ko Kaam Karyakram (PMKKK) has now been named as Pradhan Mantri Virasat Ka Samvardhan (PM VIKAS) Scheme. PM VIKAS aims to improve livelihoods of the minorities, particularly the artisan communities, using the components of skill development, education, women leadership & entrepreneurship. These components compliment each other in the ultimate objective of the scheme to increase the incomes of the beneficiaries and provide support by facilitating credit and market linkages.

    Nodal Ministry: Minister of Minority Affairs.


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