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Daily PIB 16th June 2023


    Daily PIB 16th June 2023

    Dugdh Sankalan Sathi App:This is designed and developed by Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited (REIL), a “Mini Ratna” Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Heavy Industries. It aims to improve the quality of milk, foster transparency among stakeholders, and streamline operations at the grassroots village level, including Milk Cooperative Societies. This will inform all services to milk producers in English, Hindi, Punjabi, Telugu and other languages.

    Key features: Increased transparency among stakeholders, Online monitoring of daily milk poured at Milk Cooperative Societies, Real-time milk price updates from the cloud server, Direct beneficiary transfers of milk payments and government subsidies to the milk producers’ bank accounts through the app, Push notifications for milk collection to the milk producers’ app.


    GoI-UNSDC framework:Recently, NITI Aayog and the United Nations in India signed the Government of India – United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2023-2027. It represents the UN development system’s collective offer to the Government in line with the national vision for development, for the achievement of the SDGs promoting gender equality, youth empowerment and human rights. It is built on four strategic pillars derived from the 2030 Agenda – People, Prosperity, Planet and Participation. The four interlinked pillars have six outcome areas focusing on Health and Well Being; Nutrition and Food Security; Quality Education; Economic Growth and Decent Work; Environment, Climate, WASH and Resilience; and Empowering People, Communities, and Institutions. It will have a specific focus on SDG localisation and South-South cooperation, in line with India’s leadership towards the implementation and acceleration of the SDGs; and India’s championing of South-South cooperation. It will be co-led by the Government and the UNIndia through a Joint Committee.


    Bangkok Vision 2030:The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) summit end of this year will adopt a Bangkok Vision 2030. Thailand presented “BIMSTEC Bangkok Vision 2030” aiming to build a Prosperous, Resilient, and Open (PRO) BIMSTEC by 2030. The Vision sets a clear direction and priorities as well as a goal for BIMSTEC collaboration to tackle challenges and seize opportunities for the coming decade. The document aims to further promote BIMSTEC as a region of peace, stability, and economic sustainability. The goals found in the vision are also in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and Thailand’s bio-circular-green economic model.


    Nehru Memorial Museum & Library (NMML):The Union Culture Ministry announced that the NMML would now be called the Prime Ministers’ Museum and Library Society. The name change came nearly a year after a Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya (Prime Ministers’ Museum) was inaugurated on the premises of the Teen Murti Bhavan, which also hosted the NMML. The NMML was established in memory of Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964). It was named after Nehru almost six decades ago, after being turned into a memorial dedicated to him in 1964 by then President S Radhakrishnan. It is an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. It is located in the majestic Teen Murti House, the official residence of the first Prime Minister of India. It has four major constituents, namely, a Memorial Museum, a library on modern India, a Centre for Contemporary Studies and the Nehru Planetarium.

