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DAILY PIB 18th January 2023


    DAILY PIB 18th January 2023

    Thiruvalluvar: The Prime Minister, has paid homage to Thiruvalluvar on Thiruvalluvar Day and recalled his noble thoughts. He also urged the youth to read the Kural.

    Thiruvalluvar, also called Valluvar, was a Tamil poet-saint. He contributed the Tirukkural or ‘Kural’ to the Sangam literature.

    Tirukkural is comprised of 133 sections of 10 couplets each divided into three books: Aram (virtue), Porul (government and society), and Kamam (love).


    Environmental, Social and Governance Scheme: ESG  refers to a set of criteria to determine how a company performs in preserving the natural environment, managing relationships with its stakeholders, and also how it deals with matters including the company’s leadership, internal controls, and shareholder’s rights.

    ESG is a strategic framework for activities ranging from the company’s carbon footprint and commitment to sustainability to its workplace culture and commitment to diversity and inclusion to its overall ethos regarding corporate risks and practices.


    The International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA):IFSCA has been established on April 27, 2020 under the International Financial Services Centres Authority Act, 2019. It is headquartered at GIFT City, Gandhinagar in Gujarat.

    The IFSCA is a unified authority for the development and regulation of financial products, financial services and financial institutions in the International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) in India. At present, the GIFT IFSC is the maiden international financial services centre in India. 

    The main objective of the IFSCA is to develop a strong global connect and focus on the needs of the Indian economy as well as to serve as an international financial platform for the entire region and the global economy as a whole.


    Saansad Khel Mahakumbh 2023: PM inaugurates second phase of Saansad Khel Mahakumbh 2022-23 in Basti District. The first phase of the khel Mahakumbh was scheduled in December 2022.The Khel Mahakumbh organises various competitions in both indoor and outdoor sports.

    The Khel Mahakumbh is a novel initiative that provides an opportunity and a platform for the youth of District Basti and neighbouring areas to showcase their sporting talent, and motivates them to take sport as a career option. It also endeavours to inculcate the spirit of discipline, teamwork, healthy competition, self-confidence and nationalism among the youth of the region.


    Advance Authorisation Scheme: The Advance Authorization Scheme is a scheme where the import of inputs will be allowed to be made duty-free (after making normal allowance for wastage) if they are physically incorporated in a product which is going to be exported. An export obligation is usually set as a condition for issuing Advance Authorization. It is available to either a manufacturer exporter directly or a merchant exporter tied with a supporting manufacturer.

    Advance Authorization is valid for 12 months from the date of issue of such Authorization. The inputs imported are exempt from duties like Basic Customs Duty, Additional Customs Duty, Education Cess, Anti-dumping duty, Safeguard Duty and Transition Product-Specific Safeguard duty, Integrated tax, and Compensation Cess, subject to certain conditions.

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