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Daily PIB 1st November 2023


    Daily PIB 1st November 2023

    • Minuteman III missile: It is a strategic weapon system using a ballistic missile of intercontinental range and first became operational in the early 1970s.It is a three-stage, solid-fuel missile. Its range is 6,000-plus miles, and its maximum range is about 8,000 miles. Boeing Corporation designed and manufactured this missile. The current ICBM force consists of 400 Minuteman III missiles. It is currently the only land-based ICBM in the US nuclear arsenal, which also includes Trident submarine-launched ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons carried by strategic bomber aircraft. 


    • Chhath Festival: It is a Hindu Vedic festival celebrated in the Indian Sub-Continent, prominently in Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, some areas in Madhya Pradesh in India, and a few regions of Nepal. It is dedicated to the Sun God (Lord Surya) and Chhathi Maiya (another name for Goddess Usha and a known sister to Lord Surya).It is celebrated twice a year in the months of Chaitra (March-April) and Kartika (October-November).Considered to be one of the most eco-friendly religious festivals, Chhath Puja lasts for 4 days. The rituals surrounding Chhath Puja are supposedly harsher when compared to other Hindu festivals. They involve strict fasting (without water), taking a dip in rivers/water bodies, standing in water and offering prayers, facing the sun for a prolonged period, and offering ‘prasad’ to the Sun during sunrise and sunset. Any food prepared during the festival will have no salt, onion, or garlic. In recent days, both men and women have been seen fasting during this festival, but the main worshippers are mainly said to be women. Those who fast are known as parvaitin. 


    • Scabies: Scabies is a parasitic infestation caused by a mite known as Sarcopte scabiei. This causes an itchy rash to form on the skin. Untreated, these microscopic mites can live on the skin for months. They reproduce on the surface of the skin and then burrow into it to lay eggs. Scabies is often found in the skin folds. But scabies can appear on many parts of the body. It is contagious and can spread quickly from person-to-person through close skin contact (e.g. living in the same residence) with an infested individual. Scabies symptoms include severe itch, often worse at night; itchy lines (linear burrows) and bumps (papules) on the fingers, wrists, arms, legs, and belt area; larger rash in infants and small children, including on the palms, soles of the feet, ankles, and scalp. A more severe type of scabies, called crusted scabies, makes the skin crusty and scaly and affects large areas of the body. Scabies is easily treated. Medicated skin creams or pills kill the mites that cause scabies and their eggs. However, the itching may not stop for many weeks after treatment. 


    • Light Combat Helicopter Prachand: It is India’s first indigenous multi-role combat helicopter, developed by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).It is designed to meet the needs of the Indian armed forces operating in deserts and mountainous areas. The helicopter is fitted with Shakti Engine, which is co-developed by HAL and France’s Safran. The helicopter received operational clearance in 2017.The helicopter can carry out activities such as Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR), Destruction of Enemy Air Defence (DEAD), operations against slow-moving aircraft and Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPAs), high-altitude bunker busting operations, counter-insurgency operations in the jungle and urban environments, and provide support to ground forces. The helicopter will be equipped with Helina missiles, the air force version of which is called Dhruvastra. 


