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Daily PIB 21st June 2023


    Daily PIB 21st June 2023

    Exercise Khaan Quest 2023: It features participation from military contingents and observers from over 20 countries. The exercise is co-sponsored by Mongolian Armed Forces (MAF) and the United States Army Pacific Command (USARPAC). The Indian Army is represented by a contingent from the GARHWAL RIFLES. The 14-day exercise is aimed at enhancing the interoperability of the participating nations, sharing experience and training uniformed personnel for the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (UNPKO).

    The exercise will prepare participants for future UN Peacekeeping missions, develop peace operations capabilities and enhance military readiness. The exercise includes Command Post Exercise (CPX), Field Training Exercises (FTX), combat discussions, lectures and demonstrations.


    National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI):It was established in 2003 as a not-for-profit organization under the Companies Act 2013.

    It is tasked to increase Internet penetration and adoption in India by facilitating the various infrastructure aspects to enable the Internet ecosystem to be managed and used by the masses. The four services which come under the NIXI: Setting IXPs, Building Internet Exchange Points, IN Registry towards building the .in domain digital identity, Indian Registry for Internet Names and Numbers (IRINN) towards Internet Protocol (IPv4 and IPv6) addresses adoption and data Centre services under NIXI-CSC towards data storage services.


    INS Kirpan:Recently, India gifted the Corvette INS Kirpan to Vietnam to enhance that country’s naval capabilities. It is an indigenously-built in-service missile.

    It is a Khukri class missile corvette commissioned into the Navy on January 12, 1991. It has a displacement displacing capacity of close to 1,400 tonnes. It is capable of a speed of more than 25 knots. The Khukri class are equipped with Diesel Engines assembled in India. The ship is fitted with a medium-range gun, 30 mm close-range guns, chaff launchers, and surface-to-surface missiles. It performs a wide variety of roles, including coastal and offshore patrol, coastal security, surface warfare, anti-piracy, and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) operations.


    Asia Pacific Plant Protection Commission:The Asia Pacific Plant Protection Commission unanimously elected India as chair of the Standing Committee on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for the biennium 2023-24 during the 32nd Session held in Bangkok. It is an intergovernmental organization that promotes cooperation among countries in the Asia-Pacific region to enhance plant health and plant protection. It was established in 1956 as a regional body approved by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The commission consists of 25 member countries, including India. The Commission consists of representatives of all member countries and elects amongst them a Chairperson who serves for two years. The Director-General of the FAO appoints and provides the secretariat that coordinates, organizes and follows up the work of the Commission. The Commission, according to its provisions convenes at least once every two years and opens for participation to all member countries. The commission coordinates and supports plant protection activities of its Members in Asia and the Pacific, with emphasis on developing regional standards for phytosanitary measures (RSPMs) etc.
