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Daily PIB 21st October 2023


    Daily PIB 21st October 2023

    • Project Udbhav: Project Udbhav is a collaboration between the Indian Army and the United Service Institution of India (USI), a defence services think tank. The project, named ‘Udbhav’, translates to ‘origin’ or ‘genesis’, recognizing the profound knowledge embedded in our nation’s historical texts spanning centuries. At its core, the project seeks to amalgamate ancient insights with modern military practices, creating a comprehensive approach to tackle present-day security challenges. This initiative aims to bridge the gap between age-old wisdom and contemporary military education. India’s ancient knowledge system, rooted in a 5000-year-old civilizational legacy, boasts a repository of intellectual texts and manuscripts. Project Udbhav, as per MoD, aims to facilitate a profound understanding of these systems and their enduring relevance in the modern era. 


    • Dam Safety Act: The Dam Safety Act  was tabled in the Rajya Sabha in December 2021, as a response to deficient surveillance and maintenance causing dam failure-related disasters. The Act listed key responsibilities and mandated that national and State-level bodies be established for implementation. A National Committee on Dam Safety would oversee dam safety policies and regulations; A National Dam Safety Authority would be charged with implementation and resolving State-level disputes; The Chairman of the Central Water Commission (CWC) would head dam safety protocols at the national level; A State Committee on Dam Safety (SCDS) and State Dam Safety Organisation (SDSO) would be set up. Provisions require States to: classify dams based on hazard risk, conduct regular inspections, create emergency action plans, 

    institute emergency flood warning systems, and undertake safety reviews and period risk assessment studies.States were asked to report and record incidents of dam failures.  

    Until now, no statutory provision required systemic reporting of failures and no single agency was tasked with tracking this data.The CWC keeps a record but the list is not updated regularly.Failure to comply with any provision of the Act is punishable with imprisonment and/or fines.If such obstruction or refusal to comply with directions results in loss of lives or imminent danger, the entity shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years. In February 2023, the Sikkim High Court ordered the Gati Hydropower Project company to pay ₹70 lakh to two widowed mothers, for non-compliance with the Dam Safety Act. 



    • Guillain-Barre syndrome: It is a rare autoimmune disorder where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the peripheral nerves. It is more common in adults and males, but it can affect people of all ages. The first symptoms of this syndrome include weakness or tingling sensations. They usually start in the legs, and can spread to the arms and face. 

    For some people, these symptoms can lead to paralysis of the legs, arms, or muscles in the face.It is often preceded by an infection.This could be a bacterial or viral infection. 

    The most frequently associated infections include Campylobacter jejuni, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), and the bacteria responsible for pneumonia and urinary tract infections.It may also be triggered by vaccine administration or surgery.There is no known cure for this syndrome.The most commonly used treatment is intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), which is made from donated blood that contains healthy antibodies. 

    This helps calm down the immune system’s attack on the nerves. 
