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Daily PIB 24th May 2023


    Daily PIB 24th May 2023

    Mining Start Up Summit: The summit is being organized by the Ministry of Mines in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.The Summit will be mainly focusing on innovation and techniques that will support and improve the performance, safety and help in building autonomy in the field of mining and metallurgy.The summit will also be focusing on interaction with leading industries in the mineral exploration sector, financial institutions and banks.

    More than 120 start-ups and 20 major industries will be participating in the Summit.

    Mumbai Trans Harbour Link: It is India’s longest sea bridge.The 22-kilometer long 6-lane sea bridge from Sewri to Nhava in Mumbai will ensure Seamless, direct connectivity between South Mumbai and Raigad.The bridge will also reduce distance between Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Raigad, Mumbai-Pune Expressway and Mumbai-Goa Highway, and save one hour travel time including fuel and transportation cost.

    NITI Aoyog Governing Council: The Eighth meeting of the NITI Aayog Governing was held at the new Convention Centre in Pragati Maidan in New Delhi. The Governing Council, which embodies NITI Aayog’s objectives of cooperative federalism, presents a platform to discuss inter-sectoral and federal issues to accelerate the implementation of the national development agenda.

    Timeline: The First Meeting was held in February 2015, the Second Meeting in July 2015, the Third Meeting in 2017 and the Fourth meeting in June 2018.

    Composition: The Governing Council of NITI Aayog comprises the – Prime Minister of India, Chief Ministers of all the States and UTs with Legislatures and Lt. Governor of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, four Union Ministers as ex-officio members and three Union Ministers as Special Invitees.

    SAMARTH Campaign: It was started on 1st February 2023 and will continue till 15 August 2023 under the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav.

    The key thrust of the campaign is to promote Digital Transactions in rural areas, particularly among women.Deendayal Antyodaya Yojna- National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) will help to achieve the goals of this compaign

    Ministry: Ministry of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj

    Sudarshan Shakti Exercise: The Sapta Shakti Command of the Indian Army conducted exercise ‘Sudarshan Shakti 2023’ along the western borders in Rajasthan and Punjab.

    Aim: It aimed at starting the transformation of the forces into a modern, lean, and agile fighting combination capable of leveraging new-age technologies.

    The exercise was designed to validate operational plans in a network-centric environment with elements of combat power, combat support and logistic support.

    These elements were exercised in a synergised application under all domains of enemy threat including Grey Zone Warfare as part of high tempo operations.
