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DAILY PIB 27th January 2023


    DAILY PIB 27th January 2023

    Sagar Samrat Vessel: Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas rededicated ONGC’s iconic drilling rig Sagar Samrat, as a Mobile Offshore Production Unit (MOPU). Initially it was a jack-up drilling rig. Commissioned in 1973, Sagar Samrat was built at the Mitsubishi yard in Japan. It drilled ONGC’s first Offshore well in 1974 in Mumbai Offshore region of Arabian Sea, then called the Bombay High. The British engineering and consulting conglomerate Wood Group’s Mustang unit based in Texas carried out the front-end engineering and design for the vessel’s conversion.


    Central Administrative Tribunal: It had been established under Article 323 – A of the Constitution. It provides for adjudication of disputes and complaints with respect to recruitment and conditions of service of persons appointed to public services and posts. In pursuance of Article 323-A, Parliament passed the Administrative Tribunals Act in 1985.The act authorizes the Central government to establish one CAT and the state administrative tribunals.

    The CAT is a specialist body consisting of Administrative Members and Judicial Members. A Chairman who has been a sitting or retired Judge of a High Court heads the CAT.

    The Tribunal is guided by the principles of natural justice. Under Act 1985, the Tribunal has been conferred with the power to exercise the same jurisdiction and authority in respect of contempt of itself as a High Court.

    The orders of the CAT are challenged by way of a Writ Petition under Article 226/227.


    Methanol: Methanol is a low carbon, hydrogen carrier fuel produced from high ash coal, agricultural residue, CO2 from thermal power plants and natural gas. It is the best pathway for meeting India’s commitment to COP 21 (Paris Agreement)..Methanol is a cost-effective alternative marine fuel. It is less costly than other marine fuels and is economical in terms of developing the shoreside storage and bunkering infrastructure. It is also known as wood alcohol. Its properties are similar to ethanol. It is also used in products such as plastics, paints, and cosmetics.


    India Energy Week: IEW 2023 is the first major event under India’s G20 Presidency. It will be organized by the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. India Energy Week is the only all-encompassing international energy event supported at the highest level of the Indian government, with participation from all the Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), and officially supported by the Federation of Indian Petroleum Industry (FIPI).


    National Logistics Portal: The National Logistic Portal (marine) (NLP) is a project of national importance, as inaugurated by the Ministry of Ports Shipping Waterways. It is a one-stop platform aimed at connecting all the stakeholders of the logistics community using IT, to improve efficiency and transparency by reducing costs and time delays. NLP will be a single window covering all modes of transport in the waterways, roadways, and airways along with an E-marketplace. It is an “open platform” that allows the coexistence of multiple service providers to provide EXIM-related services independently. It aims to reduce regulatory complexities and enhance the ease of doing business by moving towards user-friendly paperless trade.

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