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Daily PIB 3rd February


    Daily PIB 3rd February

    • Codex Alimentarius Commission: It was jointly established by FAO and WHO. It is an international, intergovernmental body which is based in Rome. It consists of 189 member countries. Membership of the Commission is open to all Member Nations and Associate Members of FAO and WHO which are interested in international food standards. 

    The Commission meets in regular sessions once a year, alternating between Geneva and Rome. The programme of work of the Commission is funded through the regular budgets of WHO and FAO, with all work subject to the approval of the two governing bodies of the parent organisations. The Commission works in the six official languages of the UN. 

    The standards of CAC are recognized by the WTO as international reference points for the resolution of trade disputes concerning food safety and consumer protection.  

    The standards developed by the Committees  are voluntary in nature. 


    • Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS) scheme: IEDSS has been launched from the year 2009-10. This Scheme replaces the earlier scheme of Integrated Education for Disabled Children (IEDC). The aim of this scheme is to enable all students with disabilities to pursue four years of secondary education in an inclusive and enabling environment, after completing eight years of elementary schooling. 

    The scheme covers all children studying at the secondary stage in Government, local body and Government-aided schools, with one or more disabilities as defined under the Persons with Disabilities Act (1995) and the National Trust Act (1999) in the class IX to XII, namely blindness, low vision, leprosy cured, hearing impairment, locomotory disabilities, mental retardation, mental illness, autism, and cerebral palsy, and may eventually cover speech impairment, learning disabilities, etc. Setting up of Model inclusive schools in every State is envisaged under the scheme. The School Education Department of the State Governments/Union Territory (UT) Administrations are the implementing agencies.  

    Central assistance for all items covered in the scheme is on 100 percent basis. The State governments are only required to make provisions for scholarship of Rs. 600/- per disabled child per annum. This scheme now subsumed under Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) from 2013. 


    • GHAR Portal: It is a portal to digitally monitor and track the restoration and repatriation of children according to the protocols under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, and Rules thereof.  It has been developed and launched by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR). 

    Salient features: 

      • Digital tracking and monitoring of children who are in the Juvenile Justice system and have to be repatriated to another Country/State/District. 
      • Digital transfer of cases of children to the concerned Juvenile Justice Board/Child Welfare Committee of the State. It will help in the speedy repatriation of children. 
      • Where there is a requirement of a translator/interpreter/expert, request will be made to the concerned State Government. 
