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Daily PIB 5th September 2023


    Daily PIB 5th September 2023

    Gramodyog Vikas Yojana : It is one of the two components of the Khadi Gramodyog Vikas Yojana, which aims to promote and develop the village industries through common facilities, technological modernisation, training, etc. It includes the activities carried out under different village industries. 

    Components of the Yojana: Research & Development and Product Innovation support, Capacity Building, Marketing & Publicity, Target beneficiaries. 


    Structure of G20: The G20 works in three major tracks — two of them are official and one is unofficial. The official tracks are the Finance Track and the Sherpa Track. The unofficial track includes engagement groups or civil society groups. 

    • The Finance Track is headed by the finance ministers and central bank governors, who usually meet four times a year. Two meetings are usually held on the sidelines of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) meetings.It mainly focuses on fiscal and monetary policy issues such as the global economy, infrastructure, financial regulation, financial inclusion, international financial architecture, and international taxation.Today, it has eight working groups. 
    •  Sherpa Track was established after the forum became a leaders’ summit in 2008.It consists of representatives of heads of state. Each representative is known as a Sherpa — it is the metaphor from the mountaineering domain, where the Sherpa is supposed to do the heavy lifting or assist the mountaineer. It focuses on socio-economic issues such as agriculture, anti-corruption, climate, digital economy, education, employment, energy, environment, health, tourism, trade, and investment. There are 13 working groups within the Sherpa Track. 
    • The unofficial track comprises engagement or civil groups. These groups often draft recommendations to the G20 Leaders that contribute to the policy-making process. The engagement groups are as follows:Business20, Civil20, Labour20, Parliament20, Science20, SAI20, Startup20, Think20, Urban20, Women20, and Youth20. 


     GRIHA norms: GRIHA is an acronym for Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment. It is a rating tool that helps people assess the performance of their building against certain nationally acceptable benchmarks. It evaluates the environmental performance of a building holistically over its entire life cycle, thereby providing a standard for what constitutes a ‘green building’. It is developed by TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute).This tool has been adopted by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. It assesses a building out of 34 criteria and awards points on a scale of 100.In order to qualify for GRIHA certification, a project must achieve at least 50 points. Certain criteria / sub-criteria are mandatory and have to be complied with for the project to be at all eligible for rating. 

    Project scoring: 

    • 50-60 points are certified as a 1-star GRIHA rated building, 
    • 61-70 is a 2-star GRIHA rated building, 
    • 71-80 is a 3-star GRIHA rating building, 
    • 81-90 is a 4-star GRIHA rated building 
    • 91-100 is a 5-star GRIHA rated building 

