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Daily PIB 6th June 2023


    Daily PIB 6th June 2023

    Electronic Interlocking: It is an advanced signalling, computer-based system that uses electronic components to manage the movement of trains and the configuration of tracks.

    The EI, which is based on software, is designed to prevent 2 trains from running on the same track at the same time.It ensures that a train gets a go-ahead only when the route ahead is clear.The system is an alternative to the conventional Relay Interlocking system.The EI signal system comprises 3 crucial elements:Signal – Based on the status of the track ahead, signals are used to stop, proceed, or exercise caution.Point switch – A train can change its track using a point.These are movable sections of a track which guide the wheels towards either the straight or diverging track.Track circuit – These are electrical circuits on tracks to detect the presence of a vehicle or a train on a section of track.Track circuits help to verify whether a particular route is clear or occupied and if it is safe for a train to proceed.

    Working Of EI: Two information points form the basis of the EI signal system.A signal to pass is given based first on which direction the track is set.On whether the divergent track is free of obstruction.All activities in the signalling system are recorded in a microprocessor-based system called a data logger.It acts like the black box of an aircraft and can store and process signal data to generate reports.

    Sunflower Consumption: Black Sea Grain Initiative led to the international vegetable oil prices falling.Ukraine and Russia together accounted for nearly 58% of the world’s production of oilseed in 2021-22.As the war shut off their supplies through the Black Sea ports, prices skyrocketed.However, the situation changed with the Black Sea Grain Initiative agreement between Russia and Ukraine signed on July 22.The deal, brokered by the UN and Turkey, facilitated the safe navigation of vessels carrying grain and foodstuffs.It led to international vegetable oil prices falling below even pre-war levels.Sunflower is the 4th largest consumed oil, behind mustard, soyabean and palm.Both sunflower and palm oil are almost wholly imported.

    This is unlike mustard and soyabean, where the share of domestic output are close to 100% and 30-32% respectively.The other locally produced oils — cottonseed, rice bran, groundnut, and coconut aren’t big enough to influence prices.Sunflower production in India – Sunflower is being traditionally grown in Karnataka, Telangana, and Maharashtra.Roughly 70% of the country’s sunflower oil consumption is in the Southern states with highest from Maharashtra and other states making up the rest.

    Thermal Stratification: It occurs when the surface layer of water, warmed by the sun, becomes less dense than the water underneath it.Pollution has badly affected the Schizothorax fish harvest and has destroyed the breeding grounds of the native fish.Data on harvest of Schizothorax, a local fish species known as Kashir gaad or Snowtrouts, from the lake between 1989 to 2019, shows a downward trend.The study suggested that the lake’s alkalinity has gone up.The chloride content of the water has drastically increased due to drainage from catchment areas, raw sewage coming from houseboats and nearby settlements and organic runoff from floating gardens.
