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Daily Prelims 16th January 2024


    Daily Prelims 16th January 2024

    1) Right to Reside: Delhi High Court ruled that foreigners cannot claim right to reside in India under Article 19(1)(e) of Constitution of India.  

    • Article 19(1)(e) of constitution grants the right to reside and settle in any part of territory of India as a fundamental right under Right to Freedom.  
    • However, Reasonable restrictions on this right can be imposed by law-  
      • in the interest of general public, or  
      • for the protection of interest of any Scheduled Tribe. 


    2) Operation AMRITH (Antimicrobial Resistance Intervention For Total Health): Kerala Drug Control Department has launched operation AMRITH to prevent overuse of antibiotics in state.  

    • It aims to detect over-the-counter sale of antibiotics without doctor’s prescription.  
    • Other efforts taken by Kerala on AMR  
    • In 2018, became first state in India that came up with Kerala AntiMicrobial Resistance Strategic Action Plan (KARSAP) which is aligned with India’s National Action Plan on AMR.  
    • Kerala Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (KARS-NET).  
    • AMR laboratory for environmental surveillance of AMR.  
    • Programme on Removal of Unused Drugs (PROUD) for proper disposal of unused antibiotics 


    3) National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC): NAAC has put on hold grading process of around 30 institutes in the country.  

    • NAAC (set up in 1994) is an autonomous institution of the University Grants Commission (UGC).  
    • It conducts assessment and accreditation of Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) such as colleges, universities.  
    • Eligibility criteria: HEIs, with a record of at least two batches of students graduated, or been in existence for six years, whichever is earlier, are eligible to apply for the process of Assessment and Accreditation of NAAC 


    4) Genocide Convention: South Africa accused Israel of violating Genocide Convention at the United Nations’ International Court of Justice (ICJ).  

    • Officially known as Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.  
    • It was the first human rights treaty adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948.  
    • Purpose of the convention is to prevent and punish acts of genocide.  
    • It defines genocide as acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group 


    Places in News: 

    1) Cabo Verde (Capital: Praia ): 

    • Cabo Verde has been certified as malaria-free by WHO, becoming third African country to achieve this status after Mauritius and Algeria.  
    • Political Features:  
    • The archipelago lies around 500km off the west coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean.  
    • Cape Verde has no direct neighbours.  
    • The former Portuguese colony comprises 10 islands and five islets. 
    • Geographical Features:  
    • The archipelago is volcanic in origin.  
    • Highest point : Pico do Fogo  
    • Climate : Tropical 

