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Daily Prelims 16th November 2023


    Daily Prelims 16th November 2023

    1) Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT): India has reportedly requested evidence from US under MLAT in connection with an attack on Indian consulate in San Francisco.  

    • MLAT is a bilateral treaty/Agreement that provides a mechanism for seeking assistance from other contracting States in civil and criminal matter.  
    • Criminal Matters: Assistance is sought for prevention, investigation and prosecution of crime. Ministry of Home Affairs is nodal Ministry  
    • Civil and Commercial Matters: Assistance is sought for service of all kinds of judicial processes, including summons etc. Ministry of Law and Justice is nodal Ministry. 


    2) National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO): As per NOTTO data, 80% of organ recipients in India between 1995 and 2021 were men.  

    • NOTTO is set up under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.  
    • It is the apex centre for procurement and distribution of Organs and Tissues and registry of Organs and Tissues Donation and Transplantation in the country.  
    • Transplantation of Human Organs (Amendment) Act 2011 has established two divisions:  
    • National Human Organ and Tissue Removal and Storage Network  
    • National Biomaterial Centre (National Tissue Bank) 


    3) Mars solar conjunction: Mars solar conjunction impacted the NASA robotic probes on planet Mars.  

    • During this phenomenon, the Sun comes between Earth and Mars.  
    • Occured this year-11th November to 25th November.  
    • It happens once every two years.  
    • Impact: Solar conjunction can cause the sun’s corona to eject ionized gas, interfering with radio signals used to communicate with Mars spacecraft 


    4) Golden Passport: Few Indian businessmen got a golden passport.  

    • It is a facility offered by certain countries where foreigners can get citizenship through significant investments.  
    • Benefits- greatly facilitate business operations, Visafree travel, tax benefits, market penetration, etc. 
    • Reported to be misused for money laundering, tax evasion, etc. 


    Places in News: 

    1) Tuvalu (Capital: Funafuti): 

    • Australia inked an agreement with Tuvalu to offer residency to its citizens displaced by climate change.  
    • Political features:  
    • It is a nation of nine coral islands and is not landlocked.  
    • Bordering nations: Kiribati and Nauru, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, Tokelau and Fiji, Samoa, Wallis and Futuna, and Tonga.  
    • Bordering water bodies: Located midway between Hawaii and Australia in South Pacific Ocean.  
    • It is believed to be first nation to face climate change-induced complete submersion.  
    • Geographical Features:  
    • Archipelago is volcanic in origin and includes both atolls and reef islands.  
    • Largest atoll: Funafuti 

