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Daily Prelims 19th January 2024


    Daily Prelims 19th January 2024

    1) Motor Vehicle Act (MVA), 2019: Supreme Court directed the Union to consider amending the MVA, 2019 to enhance the compensation granted to victims of hit-and-run accidents.  

    • About MVA,2019  
    • Amended the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 to provide for road safety.  
    • It provides Compensation of ₹2 lakh and ₹50,000 in case of death and injury, respectively.  
    • Established Motor Vehicle Accident Fund, to provide compulsory insurance coverage to all road users.  
    • It provided protection to the Good Samaritan.  
    • Good samaritan is a person who renders emergency assistance to a victim at the scene of an accident. 


    2) Soil-based microbial fuel cell (MFC): Researchers have developed an advanced Soil-based microbial fuel cell (MFC).  

    • In it, they improved design so that it can efficiently work in dry conditions.  
    • It generates bioelectricity with the help of microbes (such as bacteria) instead of chemicals.  
    • It consists of an anode, a cathode and electrolyte.  
    • Microbes naturally give out electrons to nearby conductors. These electrons from anode to cathode create an electric circuit.  
    • Applications: It can be used to fuel underground sensors used in green infrastructure and precision agriculture 


    3) Global Hydrogen Trading Mechanism (GHTM): Indian Gas Exchange or IGX (India’s only gas exchange) and Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) signed a MoU to establish a GHTM in collaboration with IFSC-GIFT City in Gandhinagar (Gujarat).  

    • They will develop a global hydrogen price index, a benchmark for price discovery and market information on India’s growing green hydrogen market.  
    • Benefits: Enhance transparency, boost investor confidence, and facilitate the growth of the green hydrogen market on a global scale. 


    4) Disease X: World Economic Forum is set to begin session on novel ‘Disease X’.  

    • It is a theoretical term and “X” refers to “unexpected”.  
    • WHO introduced Disease X in 2018 to represent an unknown pathogen that could cause a serious international epidemic.  
    • WHO has placed Disease X alongside other highpriority diseases such as Ebola and Zika virus in its awareness campaigns. 


    Places in News: 

    1) Greenland (Capital: Nuuk): 

    • According to a research, Climate change has caused Greenland’s ice sheet to lose 20% more ice than previously thought.  
    • Political boundaries:  
    • It is a part of the Denmark; however, the island’s home-rule government is responsible for most domestic affairs.  
    • Two-thirds of the island lies within the Arctic Circle, in the North Atlantic Ocean.  
    • Neighbours: Canada and Iceland (separated by Denmark Strait).  
    • Geographical features:  
    • It is the world’s largest island,  
    • It is noted for its vast tundra Biome.  
    • Major physical feature is its massive ice sheet, which is second only to Antarctica’s in size.  
    • Highest Peak: Gunnbjorn Mountain 

