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Daily Prelims 21st October 2023


    Daily Prelims 21st October 2023

    1) Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA): Supreme Court held that DTAA cannot be given effect unless notified under the Income Tax Act.  

    • Section 90 of Income Tax Act prescribes tax relief under the DTAA.  
    • DTAA is a tax treaty signed between two or more countries.  
    • Its objective is that tax-payers in these countries can avoid being taxed twice for the same income.  
    • It applies in cases where a tax-payer resides in one country and earns income in another. 


    2) “Chakra-II” operation: CBI recently searched many locations under “Chakra-II” operation.  

    • It is aimed at combating and dismantling infrastructure of organized cyber-enabled financial crimes in India.  
    • CBI conducted it jointly with national and international agencies and private sector giants.   
    • Chakra-1 was conducted by the CBI in coordination with the Interpol, the FBI and police forces of multiple countries. 


    3) Traditional attar production: Kannauj is known for its traditional attar production, with a rich heritage dating back centuries.  

    • Attar is a fragrant liquid made from flower and herb extracts.  
    • Kannauj is a significant hub for the fragrance and flavor industry in India, contributing to the country’s exports. Hence, it is known as Perfume city.  
    • India is the world’s largest exporter of attar.  
    • Kannauj Perfume has also received GI Tag 


    4) Little Ice Age (LIA): Recent study showed the record of moist conditions during LIA from Western Ghats, India.    

    • LIC was one of the coldest periods of the past 10,000 years, a period of cooling that was particularly pronounced in North Atlantic region.  
    • It is attributed as a period between 16th and 19th centuries.  
    • This cold spell was said to be responsible for crop failures, famines and pandemics throughout Europe, resulting in misery and death for millions.  
    • LIA is attributed to a combination of cooling from volcanic aerosols and low solar activity producing lower surface temperatures. 


    Places in News: 

    1) Australia (Capital: Canberra): 

    • Recently, Australians rejected creating an Indigenous Voice in the final referendum voting.   
    • Political Boundaries  
    • It is the smallest continent and one of the largest countries on Earth lying between the Pacific and Indian oceans in the Southern Hemisphere.  
    • Geographical features:  
    • Highest point: Mount Kosciuszko  
    • Lowest point: Lake Eyre, also called Kati Thanda.  
    • A chain of highlands, known as the Great Dividing Range runs from inland to coast.  
    • Longest river:  Murray River 

