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Daily Prelims 8th December 2023


    Daily Prelims 8th December 2023

    1) NOTA (None of the Above) option in elections: NOTA is one of the options available in the Electronic Voting Machine.

    • If a voter does not support any of the candidates contesting in the election, they have the option to select NOTA.
    • It was introduced following the 2013 Supreme Court directive in the PUCL versus Union of India case.
    • There is no provision for re-polling in a constituency even if NOTA gets the most votes.
    • SC ruled that the NOTA option is applicable only for direct elections and not indirect elections such as the Rajya Sabha polls


    2) Miyawaki Plantation Method: South Eastern Coalfileds Ltd (SECL) will undertake plantation using Miyawaki method in coal belt region of Chhattisgarh.

    • Pioneered by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki.
    • Involves planting native trees, shrubs and groundcover plants within every square meter to create a dense canopy layer of tall trees in small land parcels.
    • Species chosen are plants which can survive harsh weather and water-scarce conditions.
    • Benefits of the method: Forests grow rapidly; Utility in urban forestry; increase carbon sequestration, reduce air and noise pollution and attract local birds and insects


    3) National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS): As of 2023, NAFIS has been established at 1022 locations across the country.

    • NAFIS is a country-wide searchable database of crime- and criminal-related fingerprints
    • It is managed by the National Crime Record Bureau at the Central Fingerprint Bureau.
    • It assigns a unique 10-digit National Fingerprint Number (NFN) to each person arrested for a crime.
    • NAFIS provide the much-needed unique identifier for every arrested person in the CCTNS (Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems) database as both are connected at the backend


    4) Diel Vertical Migration (DVM): DVM is synchronised movement of deep-sea marine animals up and down in oceanic water column over a daily cycle.

    • Free-floating zooplanktons swim up to food-rich surface waters at night to feed when light is scarce and they are “hidden” from predators.
    • They return to the depths before sun rises.
    • DVM plays a pivotal role in sequestering carbon.
    • Animals remove substantial amounts of carbon from Upper Ocean as they feed on surface-dwelling plankton.
    • When these organisms return to deeper waters, they carry carbon with them.
