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Daily Prelims Booster 16th September 2023


    Daily Prelims Booster 16th September 2023

    1) National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG): Supreme Court also onboarded its case data on NJDG portal.

    • NJDG is a database of orders, judgments and case details of District & Subordinate Courts and High Courts created as an online platform as part of e-Courts project.
    • Data is updated in real-time basis.
    • NJDG works as a monitoring tool to identify, manage & reduce pendency of cases. Recently, reasons for delay have been included in NJDG.
    • To track cases related to land disputes, Land Records data of 26 States have been linked with NJDG.

    2) Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Act (RBDAA), 2023: RBDAA, 2023 will come into effect from 1st October, 2023.

    • Will create a National and State level database of registered births and deaths which would help in updating other databases.
    • Obtaining a birth or death certificate (electronically or otherwise).
    • Aadhaar details of parents and informants required.
    • Mandatory for all medical institutions to provide a certificate as to the cause of death to Registrar and a copy of the same to the nearest relative

    3) International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OILM) certificate: India has become an OIML certificate-issuing authority.

    • OIML-Certificate system is a system for issuing, registering, and using OIML certificates, and their associated test or reports for measuring instruments e.g., thermometers, clinical thermometers, etc.
    • Significance: increase in exports, earning of foreign exchange, and generation of employment.
    • About OILM
      • Established in 1955 and headquartered in Paris.
      • It develops model regulations, standards, and related documents for use by legal metrology authorities and industry.
      • India became a member in 1956

    4) Government e Marketplace (GeM): It is a 100% Government-owned online platform for public procurement, launched in 2016 by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

    • Aim: enhance transparency, efficiency, and speed in public procurement.
    • Purchases through GeM by Government users have been authorized and made mandatory by the Ministry of Finance under the General Financial Rules, . 2017



    Places in News:

    1) Libya (Capital: Tripoli)

    • Libya’s eastern port city of Derna suffered massive damage after torrential rains caused flooding that burst dams and swept away buildings.
    • Political boundaries
      • Location: North Africa.
      • Bordered by: Egypt, Sudan, Niger, Chad, Tunisia and Algeria.
    • Geographical Features
      • Major physical features are:
        • Nafūsah Plateau and the Al-Jifārah (Gefara) Plain,
        • Akhḍar Mountains (Green Mountains),
        • Saharan plateau.
      • There are no permanent rivers in Libya. Numerous wadis that drain uplands are filled by flash floods during the rains.
      • Highest Point: Bikku Bitti.
