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Daily Prelims Booster 17th December 2022


    Daily Prelims Booster 17th December 2022

    1) Panini: the ‘father of linguistics, he probably lived in the 4th century BC, the age of the conquests of Alexander and the founding of the Mauryan Empire, even though he has also been dated to the 6th century BC, the age of The Buddha and Mahavira. He likely lived in Salatura (Gandhara)

    • Ashtadhyayi’, or ‘Eight Chapters’, an ancient text written by the scholar Panini towards the end of the 4th century BC. It is a linguistics text that set the standard for how Sanskrit was meant to be written and spoken and laid down more than 4,000 grammatical rules.
    • Later Indian grammars such as the Mahabhasya of Patanjali (2nd century BC) and the Kasika Vritti of Jayaditya and Vamana (7th century AD), were mostly commentaries on Panini.

    2) Ikki Jathre (or the Festival of Rice): Wayanad rice festival, Kerala, promotes climate-resilient crops

    • The initiative aims to sensitise people to the significance of conserving traditional crops that have the ability to withstand harsh climatic conditions.
    • Knowledge sharing and co-creation of knowledge between tribal farmers and experts e.g. Rice Diversity Block (RDB) were launched (under the Save our Rice campaign, 2009) to collect traditional varieties of rice.

    3) Doxxing: it is the revealing of someone’s intimate information with harassment as the intent. It is a popular and controversial tactic used against those with opposing political views. Even celebrities and influencers have been doxxed with real-life consequences.

    • In the process of doxxing, personal information is circulated in the public sphere without the knowledge of the victim, and in some cases, causing real-life consequences.

    4) Geographical Indication (GI) Tag: Kerala’s five agricultural products recently got GI Tag.

    • Attappady Attukombu Avara (beans), Attappady Thuvara (red gram), Onattukara Ellu (sesame), Kanthalloor-Vattavada Veluthulli (garlic), and Kodungalloor Pottuvellari (snap melon) are the latest Geographical Indications that have been registered.
    • The unique features of the products, imparted by the agro-climatic conditions of the geographical area of their production, are the basis for getting geographical indication tag.
    • The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 seeks to provide for the registration and better protection of geographical indications relating to goods in India.
    • This tag is valid for a period of 10 years following which it can be renewed.

    5) Group of Friends: India has recently launched a ‘Group of Friends’ to promote accountability for crimes against peacekeepers. Bangladesh, Egypt, France, India, Morocco and Nepal have joined the group.

    • it will act as a platform to promote accountability for all acts of violence against the United Nations peacekeepers by facilitating support to the host state, creating awareness, exchanging information, sharing best practices, supporting initiatives, and mobilizing resources.
    • It seeks to implement Resolution 2589 which had called upon member states, hosting or having hosted United Nations peacekeeping operations, to take all appropriate measures to bring to justice perpetrators of the killing of, and all acts of violence against United Nations personnel, including, but not limited to, their detention and abduction.
