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Daily Prelims Booster 8th September 2023


    Daily Prelims Booster 8th September 2023

    1) Parliament Sessions: Constitution of India does not mention the term “Special Session”.  

    • Term sometimes refers to sessions government has convened for specific occasions.  
    • Article 85 mandates that Parliament should meet at least twice a year (gap between two sessions should not exceed six months).  
    • By convention, Parliament meets for three sessions in a year.  
    • However, provision does not prevent summoning of Parliament more often and these extra sessions are referred to as special sessions.  
    • Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs determines date and duration of parliamentary sessions.  
    • President then summons MPs for the session 

    2) Poll Expenditure: Declaring Candidates for assembly election weeks before polls announcement has exposed gaps in Election Commission (EC) poll expenditure monitoring rules.  

    • Rules stipulate accounting of candidates’ spending from date of their nomination and not even announcement of polls.  
    • According to Section 77(1) of Representation of the People Act (RPA), 1951, candidates are expected to keep an account of expenditure from date on which he/she has been nominated till date of declaration of result.  
    • Spending more than maximum limit of election expenses is regarded as a corrupt practice under section 123(6) of RPA, 1951 

    3) AYUSH Public Health Programmes: Union Ayush Minister has called for strengthening of existing Ayush health programs namely:  

    • AYURVIDYA: It aims to promote Healthy Lifestyle through AYUSH for School Children in 75000 Schools.  
    • SUPRAJA: It aims to provide maternal & neonatal Intervention for both the foetus and mother.  
    • VAYO MITRA: It aims to provide Geriatric Healthcare Services to the elderly.  
    • KARUNYA: It aims to provide palliative services 

    4) Honeybee: Study showed that Honeybees can be used as biomonitors (organisms that signify the quality of environment around them) to trace Antimicrobial Resistance.  

    • Society: live in colonies headed by a queen.  
    • Types:  
    • Queen bee (heads the swarm and is the largest),  
    • Worker bee (female bee and has stings)  
    • Drone bee (Male bee and has no stings)  
    • Perform ‘Waggle dance’ to communicate between worker bees.  
    • Royal jelly, also called ‘bee milk’ secreted by worker bees, exclusively for feeding to develop a new queen bee 


    Places in News: 

    1) Sudan (Capital: Khartoum)  

    • UNHCR appealed for $1 billion to support Sudan (facing civil war).  
    • Political Boundaries  
    • Situated in north-eastern Africa.  
    • Bordered with Egypt, Libya, Chad, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea.  
    • South Sudan was bifurcated from it in 2011.  
    • Sudan shares its maritime border with Saudi Arabia in Red Sea.  
    • Geographical Features:  
    • Highest Peak: Deriba Caldera (Jabel marra Mountain).  
    • Major River: Nile River (White Nile and Blue Nile merge in Khartoum).  
    • Major lakes: Kundi, Abyad and Turdat el-Rahad 

