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Prelims Tips

    Prelims Tips

    Next 4 days are only about Prelims Tips

    • Taking rest mentally and physically.
    • Try to stay calm as much as possible.
    • If you feel like studying, flip through the booster 6 months compilation.
    • If you feel like solving Q’s, only solve past year paper for getting an idea about UPSC type of Questions.
    • Do not stress at all about the quantity of studies in next 4 days, do not worry about how much you have covered etc. In those 2 hours, what will matter the most is how calm and cool your mind is and how smartly you are able to comprehend the Questions.
    • Do not tire yourself during break, stay in a cool environment, do not eat anything too heavy outside and appear for CSAT with all sincerity.
    • Take a chocolate (Dairy milk) with you to exam hall, if they don’t allow, have it before you enter the entry gate.

    Follow the UPSC instructions carefully, do not take your phone inside, carry Aadhaar, carry 2-3 black ball point pen, keep a sharpened pencil, carry a light watch, wear light clothes so that you stay comfortable, stay hydrated but don’t have too much water.


    Read More: Few Tips to Follow to Clear the IAS Examination