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27th July MCQ


    27th July MCQ

    Welcome to your 27th July MCQ

    Q1. With reference to the monkeypox, consider the following statements:

    1. World Health Organization (WHO) has declared monkeypox a global health emergency.

    2. The classification is the highest alert that the WHO can issue and follows a worldwide upsurge in cases.

    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?Deselect Answer

    Q2. Consider the following statements:

    1. Low-pressure zones tend to draw air toward them.

    2. Changes in the jet stream can increase the frequency and intensity of heat waves in Europe.

    3. As the Arctic warms at a faster rate, the temperature differential between it and the equator increases.

    Which of the above statements is/are correct?Deselect Answer

    Q3. With reference to the Flag Code of India, consider the following statements:

    1. The government has amended the Flag Code of India to allow the tricolour to be displayed in the open and on individual houses or buildings through day and night.

    2. The Flag Code of India was earlier amended on December 30, 2021, allowing the use of polyester, apart from cotton, wool, silk and khadi for making hand-spun, hand-woven and machine-made flags.

    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?Deselect Answer

    Q4. Consider the following statements:

    1. The Constitution of India provides for designation of Tribal areas in terms of Fifth Schedule and designation of Scheduled areas in terms of sixth Schedule.

    2. According to the Constitution of India, specification of a ‘Scheduled Area’ or modification of an existing Scheduled Area is done after consultation with the Governor of that state and through notification issued with the approval of the President of India.

    3. The state of Uttarakhand has neither Scheduled areas nor Tribal areas.

    Which of the above statements is/are correct?Deselect Answer

    Q5. With reference to the Athelia rolfsii, consider the following statements:

    1. It is perhaps the first time that fruit rot caused by the fungus Athelia rolfsii is being reported in jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) in India.

    2. A soil-borne fungal pathogen, Athelia rolfsii is a major threat to several crops.

    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?Deselect Answer

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