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1st August MCQ


    1st August MCQ

    Welcome to your 1st August MCQ

    Q1. Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched India’s first International Bullion Exchange (IIBE):
    Q2. Consider the following statements regarding Ramsar Convention.

    1. Designation of a wetland under Ramsar Convention will lead to funding from the Ramsar secretariat.
    2. The Ramsar designation for a wetland can be taken off if the country does not meet the required standards.
    3. Not every Ramsar Site in India is a notified protected area under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.

    Which of the above statements is/are correct?
    Deselect Answer

    Q3. With reference to the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS), consider the following statements:

    1. The scheme is aimed at improving the operational efficiencies and financial sustainability of the power distribution companies (discoms).

    2. It mandates compulsory installation of smart meters across the country.

    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?Deselect Answer

    Q4. Which of the following are the advantages of having a bullion exchange in India

    1. Bullion imports for domestic consumption can be channelized through the exchange.
    2. It will offer the advantages of price discovery, transparency in disclosures, guaranteed centralised clearing and assurance of quality.
    3. It will be an important step towards financialization of bullion-based products.

    Select the correct answer code:Deselect Answer

    Q5. With reference to the District Legal Services Authorities, consider the following statements:

    1. The first-ever national-level meet of District Legal Services Authorities (DLSAs) is being organized at Vigyan Bhawan by National Legal Services Authority.

    2. They are headed by the Chief Justice of respective High Courts who acts as Chairman of the authority.

    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?Deselect Answer

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