(Answers must be written in Hindi)
There will be three questions as indicated in the Question Paper which must be answered in Sanskrit. The Remaining questions must be answered either in Sanskrit or in the medium of examination opted by the candidate.
Section A
1. Significant features of the grammar, with particular stress on Sanjna, Sandhi, Karaka, Samasa, Kartari and Karmani vacyas (voice usages) (to be answered in Sanskrit).
2.(a) Main characteristics of Vedic Sanskrit language
(b) Prominent feature of classical Sanskrit language
(c) Contribution of Sanskrit to linguistic studies
3. General Knowledge of :—
(a) Literary history of Sanskrit
(b) Principal trends of literary criticism
(c) Ramayana
(d) Mahabharata
(e) The origin and development of literary geners of :
- Mahakavya
- Rupaka (drama)
- Katha
- Akhyayika
- Campu
- Khandakavya
- Muktaka Kavya.
Section B
4. Essential of Indian Culture with stress on :
(a) Purusãrthas
(b) Samskãras
(c) Varnãsramavyavasthã
(d) Arts and fine arts
(e) Technical Sciences.
5. Trends of Indian Philosophy
(a) Mïmansã
(b) Vedãnta
(c) Nyaya
(d) Vaisesika
(e) Sãnkhya
(f) Yoga
(g) Bauddha
(h) Jaina
(i) Carvãka
6. Short Essay (in Sanskrit)
7. Unseen passage with the questions (to be answered in Sanskrit).