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Strategies to overcome stress in IAS preparation

    Strategies to overcome stress in IAS preparation

    Strategies to overcome stress in IAS preparation

    There is cut-throat competition in the IAS examination; lakhs of youth aspiring to be IAS/IPS Officers fill the form but only 1000-1200 make it to the merit list. Limited time period, a vast syllabus, dynamic nature of the syllabus and unpredictable question pattern add to the trauma of the IAS aspirants. The stress gets accumulated with the number of attempts getting reduced due to repeated failure in clearing the exam. Some people risk their job; resign from incumbent positions for Civil Service preparation, fight family pressure of getting married and after all these, when failure comes, it seems hard to survive with the emotional fatigue that follows.
    Questions like “Am I capable enough to crack IAS?”, “Have I taken the right decision by quitting my job for IAS exam preparation?”, “Were my relatives right when they said, ‘You should get married’”?, and many more creep in the minds and at times it feels easier to give up and upload the resume in any employment portal. But, what is most important to ask yourself at this juncture, is, “Are you happy doing this; or do you want to give it one last try?” Decisions are not easy to make; but is life worth living if you fear taking risks?
    The best idea is to learn and master the art of stress management and gain confidence, which will help you overcome not only the hurdle of the IAS examination but also the more difficult situations in life. Educrat IAS brings to you its very own technique of stress management, curated by their experienced faculties who have themselves experienced the same situation during their preparation days:

      • A healthy lifestyle

    You need to study for good amount of time and with full concentration and for that you need to be engulfed in a healthy dietary habit and a sound sleep routine. Some people are comfortable with staying awake till late night for studying and waking up late in the morning; this practice was helpful in the college days but not here. The nature of IAS preparation is different from other examination as you have to cover a vast syllabus with a fair analytical knowledge, within a limited time frame. Also, you need to prepare lessons out of your domain of expertise, like an engineering gradate aspiring to become a Civil Servant need to understand the concepts of Indian polity, memorize historical facts, etc. Your brain needs to stay active for which three things are vital: a healthy diet, sound sleep and physical exercise. Meditate before sitting with your books it will enhance your concentration levels.

      • Recreation is equally important

    This factor reiterates that shutting the door of your room and diving into ocean of notes for 12 hours (as some people say) will never ever make you an IAS Officer. Director of Educrat IAS suggests that if you study for 6 hours with dedication and concentration, it is more than enough. Recreation is vital as it relaxes your brain and prepares it for the next round of study. However, it is wiser to choose an outdoor sport, listening to music while taking a stroll and such brain stimulating recreational habits rather than hanging around with friends and coming back home, tired and clumsy-headed.

      • Relate your goal to your dream

    If you want to be an IAS Officer for the sake of having a lavish life, perks of a central government job, etc. then you are bound to feel suppressed with the thought that what would happen next, if you are unable to crack the exam. Resultantly, your brain will be engulfed in all the negative possibilities and you may end up giving up on your dream of becoming a responsible Civil Servant of the country. Instead, think of the work you can do as an IAS Officer. The Facebook page of Educrat IAS has immense number of inspiring stories of Civil Servants who have brought happiness in the lives of other people with small yet effective steps/measures/ initiatives. This very realization that your job will provide you with ample opportunity to bring positive changes in the society should be your one and only guiding principle for IAS: The Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, once remarked “Be the change you want to see”. This line of thinking will imbibe in you immense emotional strength and your dedication towards your goal will increase manifold.

      • Remain Positive; it’s a 50-50 chance game

    You follow a focused, dedicated well planned realistic strategy, you win; else, you lose. Those who fear, overburden themselves with myths (read our blog on ‘Myths regarding Civil Service preparation’) and waste time and energy meaninglessly. Believe in yourself. All the toppers believed in their dream and strengths. Don’t be saddened if you are unable to understand a topic or securing the least marks in mock tests. Work on your weak areas and turn them into your strength. No one can make you believe how powerful your dream is except you. You are brave enough to have dreamt and come this far to reading the blog. All you need to do is channelize your efforts in the right direction. Success comes to some people within short span of time, whereas it takes longer to reach others. Whatever be the case, success never comes to anyone easily.
    Dream big, take the plunge; if you hear your inner self screaming “What if I fall?”, encourage it by saying “Dear, what if you fly?”
    Success will embrace you. Don’t lose hope and enjoy the process of becoming an IAS Officer.
    All the best!