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Best IAS/IPS Coaching in Kolkata

    Best IAS/IPS Coaching in Kolkata

    Every year nearly five lakh students appear for the coveted IAS Exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Given the pattern of the question paper and the unpredictability associated with each stage of the examination, barely thousand make it to the merit list. If one looks at the IAS syllabus of the IAS Exam, the topics enlisted there in there will appear familiar to what we have read in our school days.

    All of us studied about Indian Freedom Struggle and the Great Revolt of 1857, for example. Similarly, all of us are aware of the Preamble of our Constitution as we have come across it in our school textbooks. UPSC CSE requires that an aspirant is able to analyze such static facts and relate their resemblance in the current situations that are prevalent in and around the country. But have you ever wondered, if the syllabus of the IAS examination comprises of concepts we have learnt in our school days, why is the IAS Exam labelled as the ‘Most unpredictable/difficult examination of the country?’ We will tell you why.

    1. Conceptual clarity: The minimum qualification criteria for appearing in the UPSC IAS Exam is that you have to be a graduate, be it in any field. The basic demand of the UPSC examination is that the aspirants should have a fair idea of the situations which exist in and around the country so that as Civil Servants they are able to take the best possible decision in favour of the country and its people. For example, all of us know that inflation implies rising prices and hence inflation is not good for an economy. But, very less of us know that little bit of inflation is required for a thriving economy and overall development of the people. Aspirants tend to read many books which are note required for IAS preparation and gulp down theories from many resources but in order to possess this level of conceptual clarity, you need to follow the thumb rule: read less, analyse more.

    2. Lack of integrated IAS preparation: One of the major blunders that aspirants tend to commit is that they segregate their preparation strategy based on the levels of the IAS exam viz. IAS prelims, IAS mains and IAS interview. You have to know this before you start your preparation: UPSC IAS Exam can be cracked only by an integrated study technique. The three levels IAS Prelims, IAS Mains & IAS Interview are intertwined and you cannot crack IAS prelims if you do not have the clarity that is required to frame a IAS mains answer and give a ‘to the point answer’ in the interview.

    3. Focus on hard work rather than smart work: Someone from your family or friend circle or office has told you that ‘you cannot crack the IAS exam if you do not study for 12-13 hours a day’. Do you think that if this would have been the reality, would Anudeep Durishetty, who was a working professional, have become the IAS topper in 2017? Definitely, no! Many like him have cracked the ‘toughest’ IAS/IPS examination despite working for 8-9 hours a day. If they could do it, you can also do it; provided you follow the right strategy. If you follow an integrated preparation method, you will save time and learn more, because you will have to read less and you will be able to revise more.

    How Educrat IAS Academy the best IAS Coaching in Kolkata eases your preparation for the IAS Exam and guides you towards becoming the future IAS/IPS Officer?

    1. Integrated Course for IAS Exam: At Educrat IAS Academy, the faculties are brought in from Delhi to Kolkata to provide the best IAS coaching in Kolkata. They follow a ‘topic-oriented’ teaching method rather than ‘subject-oriented’. Every topic of the IAS syllabus is covered from the UPSC prelims, UPSC mains and UPSC interview perspective right from the beginning. This ensures a 365-degree coverage of the topic, thus ensuring that the student competency for all the three levels of the examination is enhanced and the student also develops the habit of critically analyzing the topic. A topic from the newspaper is linked to its static field of study. Imagine the urge of not going to Delhi, wherein you can prepare from the best IAS Coaching by staying in Kolkata itself. For example, if we are discussing the ‘Visit of the Chinese Premier in Mamallapuram, Tamil Nadu’; we should focus on dynamics of international relation between India and China (UPSC mains) and details about the art and architecture of the monuments and the cultural characteristics of Mamallapuram (UPSC prelims).

    2. Course structure designed by Civil Service Toppers: The course structure in Educrat IAS Academy is designed by IAS toppers from Kolkata itself. They have gone through the IAS exam and have garnered exhaustive knowledge not only about the nature of the questions that can be asked in the examination but also about the required changes that should be brought in the preparation strategy depending upon the pattern of past years’ question papers.

    3. Weekly Mock tests in exam simulated environment: You are not learning enough if you are scared to take the test to evaluate your preparation. IAS Mock tests are an integral part of the IAS preparation strategy. Weekly IAS mock tests are conducted in UPSC exam simulated environment at Educrat IAS Academy to make the students familiar with the exam stress. It is also a way of teaching the students to process their minds with calm and confidence and handle the exam stress in a positive manner on the D-day.

    4. Personalised mentorship and guidance: At Educrat IAS Academy, we utilize the UPSC mock tests results of our students to analyse their strong and weak areas and design personalised mentorship programme for each one of them. The learning ability of a student depends upon many factors like the quality of memorizing, the speed of linking topics, the retention capacity, the likeness for certain topics/subjects, and many more such things. We understand and realize the fact that becoming an IAS Officer does not depend on the learning abilities of the aspirant; it depends on his/her conviction and perseverance.

    Educrat IAS Academy has produced toppers from Kolkata who are now posted in various services and aims at delivering quality education to a small group of dedicated and sincere students. UPSC has not set any benchmark for extra skills or brilliance of any aspirant for the Civil Services. The probability of your success in this examination depends on your capability to persevere in the right direction, all these features makes us the best IAS coaching in Kolkata. We instil in our students the quality of self-conviction, which says that: If you believe in yourself, you can move mountains!