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Thumb-rules to Help in Cracking UPSC Exam in First Attempt

    Thumb-rules to Help in Cracking UPSC Exam in First Attempt

    UPSC Civil Services Exam (CSE) is considered as the toughest examination in India. But, is it possible to crack this exam in first attempt? The answer is YES! With the help of a curated study plan and right guidance, one can crack UPSC CSE in the first attempt. Once we know the right approach to CSE, we will not waste our attempts on hit-and-trial. Hence, we will plan our studies exactly as per the requirements of UPSC CSE.

    Below are certain guidelines that will help you achieve your dream of becoming IAS officer in first attempt.


    Do not divert from the syllabus

    UPSC has a prescribed syllabus for UPSC CSE and you have to prepare accordingly. Digressing from the defined and structured syllabus is waste of time.

    Do not open library in your room

    It is quality and not the quantity that counts in UPSC exam. More books does not mean more knowledge. Keep your resources limited – possibly one standard book for each subject.

    Multiple revision of limited sources

    Multiple revision is the key to crack the exam. Don’t revise mechanically, revise organically – connect different related topics while revising to get a comprehensive view of any topic.

    NCERTs are important

    NCERTs help build your foundation for any subject. Their simplicity in the representation of concepts can not be ignored. Read the NCERTs religiously.

    Make self assessment

    IAS coaching institutes (IAS coaching center in Kolkata), provide curated and exam-oriented Test Series Programme that can help you gauge your preparedness. Take a sectional mock test after completing each topic. It will help you fill in gaps in your preparation.

    Solve UPSC previous year questions

    Previous year questions give you an idea about the question pattern of UPSC. It also helps to know about the grey areas of the syllabus – so that you cover the syllabus comprehensively.

    Stay calm and be focused on your goal. Give your best everyday. Enjoy the journey, the destination will be wonderful. All the very best!!