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Vote through Postal Ballot

    Vote Through Postal Ballot

    Vote through Postal Ballot

    Vote through Postal Ballot

    The Election Commission (EC) on Monday released the list of persons who can exercise their franchise through postal ballot in five states – Goa, Manipur, Punjab, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh – going to polls in February and March. The commission has allowed journalists to cast their votes through postal ballot facility.

    What is Vote through Postal Ballot?

    Vote through postal ballot is a restricted set of voters can exercise postal voting. A voter can use this service to vote remotely by writing down her preferences on a ballot paper and returning it to the election officer before the vote is counted.

    Who are eligible for this service?

    • Voters on election duty
    • Voters under preventive detention
    • Service voters (armed forces, the armed police force of a state and government servants posted abroad)
    • Voters above 80 years of age or Persons with Disabilities (PwD)

    Procedure to apply Vote through Postal Ballot

    Any absentee voter who wishes to vote by postal ballot must submit a completed Form-12D to the returning officer, together with all required information, and have the application confirmed by the organization’s nodal officer.

    Any voter opting for postal ballot facility would not be able to cast a vote at the polling station.


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