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DAILY PIB 14th April 2023


    DAILY PIB 14th April 2023

    New Year celebrations:

    • Puthandu:Puthandu also known as Tamil New Year is traditionally celebrated as a festival by Tamils as the first day of the Tamil month Chittirai.
    • Maha Bishuba Pana Sankranti:Pana Sankranti is the traditional new year day festival of Odisha, India.
    • Baisakhi: Vaisakhi, also pronounced Baisakhi as well as Basoa is traditionally celebrated annually as a celebration of spring harvest primarily in Northern India.Vaisakhi is also the date for the Indian Solar New Year.


    Compressed Bio-Gas:Bio-gas is produced naturally through a process of anaerobic decomposition from waste / bio-mass sources like agriculture residue, cattle dung, sugarcane press mud, municipal solid waste, sewage treatment plant waste, etc. After purification, it is compressed and called CBG, which has pure methane content of over 90%.Compressed Bio-Gas is exactly similar to the commercially available natural gas in its composition and energy potential.CBG can be used as an alternative, renewable automotive fuel. Given the abundance of biomass in the country, CBG has the potential to replace CNG in automotive, industrial and commercial uses in the coming years.Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation (SATAT) scheme is directed towards this.


    Animal Health System Support for One Health:It is a collaborative project between the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying and the World Bank.It is aiming to create an ecosystem for a better animal health management system using the One Health approach.It will be implemented in five States.It will be implemented over a five-year period as Central sector scheme.The project calls for participation by Human Health, Forest and Environment Department at the national, regional as well as local for creating and strengthening the One Health architecture including community engagement.

    Animal Pandemic Preparedness Initiative (APPI):The Department Animal Husbandry has conceived a focused framework of the for future animal pandemic and epidemics.

    Few key activities under APPI are Defined joint investigation and outbreak response teams (National & state),Design an overall integrated disease surveillance system (built on National Digital Livestock Mission),Strengthening the Regulatory system (e.g., Nandi online portal and Field trial guidelines)


    Energy Charter Treaty (ECT):It provides a multilateral framework for energy cooperation that is unique under international law.It was signed in December 1994 and entered into legal force in April 1998.It also established the Energy Charter Conference, an inter-governmental organisation which meets on a regular basis to discuss issues affecting energy cooperation.

    There are currently 53 signatories and contracting parties to the ECT, including both the European Union and Euratom.The Treaty’s provisions focus on four broad areas: the protection of foreign investments, based on the extension of national treatment, or most-favoured-nation treatment (whichever is more favourable) and protection against key non-commercial risks;non-discriminatory conditions for trade in energy materials, products and energy-related equipment based on WTO rules;the resolution of disputes between participating states;the promotion of energy efficiency.

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