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DAILY PIB 1st April 2023


    DAILY PIB 1st April 2023

    Cope India Exercise:The Air Forces of India and the U.S. are set to conduct the Cope India exercise from April 10 to 21 at the Kalaikunda airbase in West Bengal, with Japan as an observer. Cope India Exercise is a bilateral combined training session involving IAF and the US Air Force (USAF). Cope India started out as a fighter-training drill in 2004. The most recent iteration of the practice took place in 2019. The exercise has developed to include, in addition to fighter-training exercises, subject matter expert exchanges, air mobility training, airdrop training, and large-force exercises.Other joint defense drills between India and the US include Yudh-Abhyas (Military Exercise), Vajra Parhar, and Dharma Guardian with Japan. And a Trilateral Maritime Exercise Malabar is scheduled between the navies of India, Japan, and the USA.


    National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA):The NFRA was constituted in 2018  under the Companies Act, 2013.It is an independent regulator to oversee the auditing profession and accounting standards in India.Functions and Duties: Recommend accounting and auditing policies and standards to be adopted by companies for approval by the Central Government;Monitor and enforce compliance;Oversee the quality of service of the professions.

    Composition: It consists of a chairperson, who shall be a person of eminence and having expertise in accountancy, auditing, finance, or law to be appointed by the Central Government and such other members not exceeding fifteen consisting of part-time and full-time members.

    Powers: NFRA have the power to investigate, either suo moto or on a reference made to it by the Central Government into the matters of professional or other misconduct committed by any member or firm registered under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.It has the same powers as civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 while trying a suit.HQ: New Delhi.


    Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstration (RLV-TD):Recently,ISRO successfully carried out the landing experiment of the RLV-TD programme at the Aeronautical Test Range in Challakere, Karnataka. It is the first in the world; a winged body has been carried to an altitude of 4.5 km by IAF Chinook helicopter.It is the second in the series of experimental flights of the programme.A Winged RLV-TD has been configured to act as a flying test bed to evaluate various technologies namely, hypersonic flight, autonomous landing, and powered cruise flight.

    These technologies will be developed in phases through a series of experimental flights.

    RLV-TD is similar to that of an aircraft and combines the complexity of both launch vehicles and aircraft.It also features symmetrically placed active control surfaces called Elevons and Rudder.


    Utkal Dibas:The modern state of Odisha was established on 1 April 1936 at Kanika Palace, Cuttack, as a province in India, and consists predominantly of Odia speakers.1 April is therefore celebrated as Utkal Divas (Odisha Day). The British had occupied the Northern Circars, comprising the southern coast of Odisha, as a result of the Second Carnatic War by 1760, and incorporated them into the Madras Presidency gradually. The northern and western districts of Odisha were incorporated into the Bengal Presidency.In 1903, the Utkal Sammilani organisation was founded to demand the unification of Odia-speaking regions into one state.

    On 1 April 1912, the Bihar and Orissa Province was formed and on 1 April 1936, Bihar and Orissa were split and the new province of Orissa came into existence on a linguistic basis during the British rule in India, with Sir John Austen Hubback as the first governor

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