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Daily PIB 1st September 2023


    Daily PIB 1st September 2023

    ENTAZIA: It is a bio fungicide crop protection product formulated with Bacillus subtilis.

    It was developed by FMC India. It will provide farmers with a powerful and sustainable tool to protect their crops from fungi while maintaining environmental integrity. It leverages the natural capabilities of Bacillus subtilis to control bacterial leaf blight, one of the most serious diseases of rice. By activating the crop’s defence system against plant pathogens, it acts to prevent and control bacterial leaf blight while staying harmless to natural predators and parasites. The biological product promotes natural pest defence by utilising the naturally occurring Bacillus subtilis to establish a robust line of defence against bacterial leaf blight.


    Third Rail Current Collector: The third rail system is a means of providing electric power to a train through a conductor placed alongside the rails. Kolkata Metro Railway has been using steel Third Rail for the last 40 years. Kolkata Metro Railway has now decided to use composite Aluminium Third Rail in all the upcoming corridors being undertaken for construction along with retro fitment in existing corridors with steel Third Rail. With this Metro Railway, Kolkata would become a member of the elite club of London, Moscow, Berlin, Munich, and Istanbul Metro which have also shifted from steel Third Rail to Aluminium Third Rail. The advantages of aluminium composite third Rail over steel third Rail are: Reduction in resistive current loss and improved Traction voltage level, Reduced maintenance and life cycle cost, Improvement in the efficiency of train operations, Huge  improvement  in  Energy     Efficiency, Reduction in carbon footprint.


    Ramon Magsaysay Award: Recently, Oncologist Ravi Kannan has been named one of the four winners of the 2023 Ramon Magsaysay Award. It is Asia’s premier prize and the highest honour celebrates the greatness of spirit and transformative leadership in Asia. The Ramon Magsaysay Awardees, annually selected by the RMAF board of trustees, are presented with a certificate and a medallion with an embossed image of Ramon Magsaysay facing right in profile. From 1958 to 2008, the Award was given in six categories annually: Government Service, Public Service, Community Leadership, Journalism, Literature, and Creative Communication Arts, Peace and International Understanding and Emergent Leadership. It is presented in formal ceremonies in Manila, Philippines, on August 31st, the birth anniversary of the much-esteemed Philippine President whose ideals inspired the Award’s creation in 1957.


    National Statistical Office(NSO): The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has two wings, one relating to Statistics and the other Programme Implementation. The Statistics Wing called the National Statistical Office(NSO).NSO consists of the Central Statistical Office (CSO), the Computer centre and the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO).

    Function: Releases quarterly GDP data on the last working day of the second month after the reporting quarter; Releases the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) every month in the form of quick estimates; Organizes and conducts periodic all-India Economic Censuses;  Maintains liaison with international statistical organizations, such as, the United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD), the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) etc.; Prepares national accounts as well as publishes annual estimates of national product, government and private consumption expenditure, capital formation, savings, estimates of capital stock and consumption of fixed capital.


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