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DAILY PIB 20th March 2023


    DAILY PIB 20th March 2023

    Civil 20: Civil 20, an engagement group of G20, recently released its logo and tagline. While the tagline of Civil 20 is ‘You are the Light’, the logo depicts a beam of light, implying society moves with its autonomous power and creates its own path. Further the logo of C20 symbolize the flame of hope, self-motivation and selfless services..The aim is to strike a balance between the economic interests of a country and the interests of the citizens.C20 is one of the eight official engagement groups of the G20 forum since 2013.

    India is holding the presidency of G20 this year and has planned the C20 group inception conference at Nagpur, Maharashtra.

    Moreover, the C20 Summit is to take place in Jaipur, Rajasthan on 30-31 July 2023.


    Poshan Pakhwada:The Poshan Pakhwada aims to raise awareness about the importance of nutrition and promote healthy eating habits through Jan Andolan and Jan Bhagidari.

    The theme of this year’s Poshan Pakhwada 2023 is “Nutrition for All: Together Towards a Healthy India”.

    The activities during the Poshan Pakhwada will focus, inter alia, on the following key themes:

    Promotion and popularization of Shree Anna / Millets for nutritional- wellbeing, Celebration of Swasth Balak Spardha and Popularize Saksham Anganwadis.

    Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Women and Child Development.


    Enzyme Laccase:Laccase is generated by a group of fungi that have been found capable of degrading a variety of hazardous organic dye molecules that are regularly drained into waterbodies after dying clothes in the textile industry.This observed characteristic which the scientists termed substrate promiscuity can have deep implications in designing enzyme-coated cassettes for treating heavily dye-polluted water.

    Laccase, generated by a group of fungi, contains 4 copper atoms in two different oxidation states, and degrades substrates through redox reactions, producing only water and the simplest non-virulent or less virulent oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur.

    enzyme promiscuity:Enzyme promiscuity is defined as the capability of an enzyme to catalyze a reaction other than the reaction for which it has been specialized.

    Although the enzyme is known for its specificity, many enzymes are reported to be promiscuous.


    AFINDEX: The Indian Army is set to host the second edition of the Africa-India field training exercise (AFINDEX-23)  and African Chiefs Conclave in Pune.

    The first Africa-India Field Training Exercise was held in Pune in March 2019. It saw participation from 20 African nations.

    The first India-Africa Defence Ministers Conclave was held on the sidelines of the DEFEXPO, 2020 in Lucknow.

    The exercise is divided into four phases in which trainers would be initially trained. This would be followed by a humanitarian mine action and a peace-keeping operations phase.

    Maximum use of indigenous equipment is being made during the exercise and new-generation equipment manufactured in India would be showcased during the exercise.

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