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    • Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI): India has been ranked amongst top 5 countries in the world, and the best among the G20 countries, based on its  performance. India jumps 2 spots higher, and is now ranked 8th as per CCPI, 2023 published by German Watch, New Climate Institute and Climate Action Network International based in Germany. The latest report of CCPI, released at COP 27 shows Denmark, Sweden, Chile and Morocco as the only four small countries that were ranked above India. The first, second and third ranks were not awarded to any country. In effect therefore, India’s rank is the best amongst all large economies. Published annually since 2005, the Index is an independent monitoring tool for tracking the climate protection performance of 59 countries and the EU.


    • Indo-Pacific Regional Dialogue: The IPRD is an apex level international annual conference of Indian Navy, and is principal manifestation of Navy’s engagement at the strategic-level. The National Maritime Foundation (NMF) is Navy’s knowledge partner and chief organizer of each edition of the event. The IPRD seeks to foster exchange of ideas and promote deliberations on regionally relevant maritime issues. It is  comprehensive and inclusive construct for regional cooperation that is focused on seven interconnected spokes or pillars: Maritime Security, Maritime Ecology, Maritime Resources, Disaster Risk-reduction and Management, Trade-Connectivity and Maritime Transport, Capacity-building and Resource sharing, and Science, Technology and Academic Cooperation.


    • India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (Ind-Aus ECTA): Duties on 100 percent tariff lines to be eliminated by Australia under the landmark India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement. The Agreement would also open new opportunities for the service sector in India and would immensely benefit students by offering them an opportunity to work in Australia. IndAus ECTA which was signed on 2 April 2022, is now ready for ratification for its early implementation.Australia is an important strategic partner of India and both the democracies are part of the four nation QUAD, Trilateral Supply Chain Initiative and the Indo-Pacific Economic Forum (IPEF).


    • Supernova: These  are highly energetic explosions in the Universe releasing an enormous amount of energy.Long-term monitoring of these explosions helps us understand the nature of the exploding star as well as the explosion properties. It can also help calculate the number of massive stars. It is the explosion of a star. It is the largest explosion that takes place in space. Supernovas are often seen in other galaxies but are rare in our own Milky Way galaxy because dust blocks our view.


    • Rozgar Melas: As part of the Prime Minister’s commitment to accord highest priority towards employment generation, 2nd edition of Rozgar Melas were organized at 45 locations across the country.The central government has set a target of providing 10 lakh jobs in government services, under which job fairs are being organized at the national level under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.The State Governments are also being encouraged to do the work of filling up the vacant posts.

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