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Daily PIB 30th May 2023


    Daily PIB 30th May 2023

    Sakhalin-1 Project: The Sakhalin-1 oil and gas development project is located in the Okhotsk Sea, off the north-eastern coast of Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East.

    It comprises three offshore fields namely Chayvo, Odoptu, and Arkutun-Dagi.

    It is operated by Exxon Neftegas (ENL), a subsidiary of Exxon Mobil which holds a 30% participating interest. The other partners of the project are the Japanese consortium Sakhalin Oil and Gas Development Company (SODECO, 30%), India’s state-owned ONGC Videsh (20%), and Russian oil company Rosneft (20%).

    The Sakhalin 1 project is estimated to hold approximately 2.3 billion barrels of oil and 17.1 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) in recoverable reserves.

    South Korea has recently come up with a special proposal to provide its advanced KSS-III Batch-II submarine to India.

    KSS-III Batch-II Submarine: The KSS-III, the largest submarine to ever be built by South Korea, is being developed in two phases, Batch-I and Batch-II.It is a series of diesel-electric attack submarines.The Batch-II series will be equipped with lithium-ion batteries, which will reportedly make it capable of cruising at higher speeds with a greater period of underwater endurance, life expectancy, and durability.Additionally, the submarines will be equipped with Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) technology that will allow them to operate without access to atmospheric oxygen.It will also be capable of carrying a crew of 50 members.It can fire missiles such as Hyunmoo-4-4 submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM).

    The navigation aids on board the submarine include an inertial navigation system (INS) and global positioning system (GPS).

    Goa Statehood Day: As India gained independence on 15th August, 1947, it requested the Portugese to cede their territories. However, Portuguese refused.

    In 1961, Indian Government launched Operation Vijay and annexed Daman and Diu islands and Goa with the Indian mainland.

    Goa Liberation Day is observed on 19th December every year in India.It can be noted that the Portuguese were the first Europeans to come to India (1498) and were also the last to leave this land (1961).On 30th May, 1987, the territory was split and Goa was formed. Daman and Diu remained Union Territory.

    About: Goa is located on the southwestern coast of India within the region known as the Konkan, and geographically separated from the Deccan highlands by the Western Ghats.

    Capital:Panji. Official Language: Konkani. Borders:It is surrounded by Maharashtra to the north and Karnataka to the east and south, with the Arabian Sea forming its western coast.

    Geography:The highest point of Goa is Sonsogor.Goa’s seven major rivers are the Zuari, Mandovi, Terekhol, Chapora, Galgibag, Kumbarjua canal, Talpona and the Sal.

    Most of Goa’s soil cover is made up of laterites.

    Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks:Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary,Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary,

    Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary,Cotigao Wildlife Sanctuary,Bhagwan Mahaveer Sanctuary,Mollem National Park.


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