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Daily PIB 3rd May 2023


    Daily PIB 3rd May 2023

    • NVS-01: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is all set to launch the navigation satellite ‘NVS-01’ onboard its Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh. The GSLV-F12/NVS-01 mission is designed to deploy the NVS-01 navigation satellite into a geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO).It is the first in the series of second-generation navigation satellites built by ISRO’s UR Rao Satellite Centre in Bengaluru.At present, India uses its Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC) series of satellites for civilian and defence navigation in the Indian mainland and even 1500 kms beyond India’s borders. 

    NVS series of satellites will sustain and augment the NavIC with enhanced features.This series incorporates L1 band signals additionally to widen the services.For the first time, an indigenous atomic clock will be flown in NVS-01.


    • Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC): It is a regional navigation satellite system established by the ISRO to meet the positioning, navigation and timing requirements of the nation.NavIC was erstwhile known as Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS).It is a constellation of seven satellites that work with a 24X7 network of ground stations while orbiting above Earth.Three satellites are placed in geostationary orbit and four in inclined geosynchronous orbit. Coverage: The NavIC coverage area includes India and a region up to 1,500km beyond the nation’s boundary.Services offered: It offers two services — Standard Position Service for civilian users and Restricted Service for strategic users.The system is used in terrestrial, aerial, marine transportation, location-based services, personal mobility, resource monitoring, surveying and geodesy, scientific research etc.


    • G20 Sherpa: India’s G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant has said that the tourism sector is not only a driver of growth but also a driver of job creation and employment. A Sherpa is a personal representative of the leader of a member country at an international Summit meeting such as the G8, G20, the Nuclear Security Summit etc.The Sherpa engages in planning, negotiation and implementation tasks through the Summit. They coordinate the agenda, seek consensus at the highest political levels, and participate in a series of pre-Summit consultations to help negotiate their leaders’ positions.Sherpas are career diplomats or senior government officials appointed by the leaders of their countries.The term is derived from the Nepalese Sherpa people, who serve as guides for mountaineers in the Himalayas.


    • World Press Freedom Index 2023: India’s ranking in the recently released 2023 World Press Freedom Index has slipped to 161 out of 180 countries. It is an annual report published by the global media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF).To Compare the level of freedom enjoyed by journalists and media in 180 countries and territories.The ranking is based on five categories — political, legislative, economic, sociocultural and safety of journalists.

    Highlights of the 2023 Report: India is ranked 161 out of 180 countries. Press freedom in India has gone from “problematic” to “very bad”, with the country slipping 11 ranks since the 2022 report.Except for Bangladesh (163), Myanmar (173) and China (179), all other neighbours have a better rank than India — Bhutan (90), Nepal (95), Sri Lanka (135), Pakistan (150), Afghanistan (152).India was positioned 169 in political indicators while it was 144 in legislative, 155 in economic, 143 in social indicators and 172 in the safety of journalists.Norway is ranked first for the seventh consecutive year.
