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Daily Prelims 12th December 2023


    Daily Prelims 12th December 2023

    1) Cloud Facility for the Financial Sector: RBI proposed to establish cloud facility for financial sector data in India.  

    • Aims to enhance security, integrity and privacy of financial sector data.  
    • Initially to be operated by Indian Financial Technology & Allied Services (IFTAS), a subsidiary of RBI.  
    • Later to be transferred to a separate entity owned by financial sector participants.  
    • Significance  
    • Banks and financial entities are maintaining large volume of data.  
    • Cloud technology is known to enhance privacy through its centralised security, and guard against cybercrimes. 


    2) Koya Tribe: In recent time, Koya Tribe has made an exemplary transition by shedding the use of bison horns to make their traditional Permakore flute.  

    • Geographical distribution: Hilly and forested regions of Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Chhattisgarh.  
    • Language: Mother tongue is Gondi (Dravidian language), also speak Odia and Telugu languages.  
    • Livelihood: Traditionally they are pastoralists and shifting cultivators.  
    • Culture:  
    • Practices Kommu Koya dance.  
    • Pendul is commonly practiced form of marriage. 


    3) Banni Grassland (Gujarat): Central government has approved setting up a cheetah breeding and conservation centre in Banni Grassland.  

    • Geography: Arid grassland located in Kutch district with an area of over 2500 sq.km.  
    • Biodiversity: Consisting of two ecosystems in juxtaposition, viz., wetlands and grasslands.  
    • Flora: Over 190 species of plants like invasive Prosopis juliflora tree.  
    • Fauna: Mangrove dwelling Kharai camel (swimming camel); domesticated animals like Banni buffalo, Kankrej cow etc.  
    • Livestock breeders of Banni are called Maldharis. 


    4) Impatiens karuppusamy: This new plant species was recently discovered by the Botanical Survey of India in Kalakad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu.  

    • Species is named after Dr. S Karuppusamy (Madhura College, Tamil Nadu) for his significant contributions to the taxonomy of south Indian angiosperms.  
    • Morphology: The species, resembling Impatiens Bicornis, distinguishes itself with small leaves, six to eight-flowered, short scape, and small flowers.  
    • Distribution: Although widely distributed in tropical Africa, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, and China, Impatiens are restricted to certain areas and can become extinct due to climate change 


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