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Daily Prelims Booster 14th July 2023


    Daily Prelims Booster 14th July 2023


    1) Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB): Meeting of the Executive Board of A-WEB held.

    • A-WEB, established in 2013, is the world’s largest international organization in the field of election management.
      • It currently comprises 119 Election Management Bodies (EMBs) from 110 countries.
      • Election Commission of India was A-WEB Chair for the 2019-22 term and is presently a member of its Executive Board for 2022-24.
    • An India A-WEB Centre has been established in New Delhi for sharing the best practices and training and capacity building of officials of A-WEB members.

    2) Muslim World League (MWL): PM held talks with the Secretary General of MWL.

    • MWL is an international NGO headquartered in Makkah, with members from all Islamic countries and sects.
    • It aims to present true Islam and its tolerant principles, provide humanitarian aid, realize the message of Islam and ward off movements calling for extremism, violence and exclusion etc.
    • MWL is a member of UNESCO and UNICEF and an Observer in consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
    • Secretariat General is the executive wing of the organization

    3) Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA): IICA is an autonomous institution, under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), focusing on niche areas of corporate affairs as a premier institution in the country.

    • IICA was registered as a society in 2008 under the Societies Registration Act, of 1860.
    • IICA Society is headed by the Minister of Corporate Affairs, who is the Ex-officio President of IICA Society.
    • It provides policy advocacy, research and capacity-building support to the Government, Corporates and other stakeholders to drive corporate growth, reforms and regulations.

    4) AuditOnline: Action Taken Report (ATR) Module of AuditOnline was launched.

    • AuditOnline is an open-source application, developed as a part of the Panchayat Enterprise Suite under the e-panchayat Mission Mode Project (MMP), initiated by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR).
      • Under Digital India Programme, MoPR is implementing e-Panchayat MMP to transform the functioning of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs).
      • Under this, eGramSwaraj, a simplified work-based accounting application, was also launched.
    • It facilitates internal & external audits of Government departments/PRIs.

    5) State Disaster Response Funds (SDRF): Ministry of Finance released the amount to SDRF.

    • SDRF is constituted in each State under Disaster Management Act, 2005 for responses to notified disasters.
    • Central Government contributes 75% to the SDRF in general States and 90% in North-East and the Himalayan States.
      • Annual Central contribution is released in two equal instalments as per Finance Commission’s recommendation.
    • SDRF is used only for expenditure for providing immediate relief to victims of notified calamities like cyclones, droughts, earthquakes, fires, floods, tsunamis, hailstorms, landslides, avalanches, cloud bursts, pest attacks and frost & cold waves.


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