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    NETRA(Network for space object Tracking and Analysis): Under the project, the ISRO plans to put up many observational facilities: connected radars, telescopes; data processing units and a control centre. They can, among others, spot, track and catalogue objects as small as 10 cm, up to a range of 3,400 km and equal to a space orbit of around 2,000 km. The project will give India its own capability in space situational awareness (SSA) like the other space powers — which is used to ‘predict’ threats from debris to Indian satellites. NETRA’s eventual goal is to capture the GEO, or geostationary orbit, scene at 36,000 km where communication satellites operate. The effort would make India a part of international efforts towards tracking, warning about and mitigating space debris.

    Low Earth Orbit: It is relatively closer to the Earth’s surface than other orbits. The altitude from the earth’s surface could be between 160 Km to 1000 Km. It is one of the commonly used orbits. It is used for satellite imaging [The images are of high resolution as the orbit is closer to the surface of the earth.]. The International Space Station (ISS) uses LEO. It is used by remote sensing satellites.

    NSSF: National Small Savings Fund  in the Public Account of India was established in 1999. The Fund is administered by the Government of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) under National Small Savings Fund (Custody and Investment) Rules, 2001, framed by the President under Article 283(1) of the Constitution. The objective of NSSF is to de-link small savings transactions from the Consolidated Fund of India and ensure their operation in a transparent and self-sustaining manner. Since NSSF operates in the public account, its transactions do not impact the fiscal deficit of the Centre directly. National Small Savings Certificate(NSC), Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) are example of NSSF instruments.

    Gig Economy: A gig economy is a free market system in which temporary positions are common and organisations contract with independent workers for short-term engagements. According to a report by Boston Consulting Group, India’s gig workforce comprises 15 million workers employed across industries such as software, shared services and professional services. An estimated 56% of new employment in India is being generated by the gig economy companies across both the blue-collar and white-collar workforce.

    Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana: PMJAY offers a sum insured of ? 5 lakh per family for secondary care (which doesn’t involve a super specialist) as well as tertiary care (which does). For the beneficiaries, this is a free scheme. It is an entitlement-based scheme that targets the beneficiaries as identified by latest Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) data. Individuals can walk into any empanelled hospital that can process cashless payments. Once identified by the database, the beneficiary is considered insured. The insurance cost is shared by the centre and the state mostly in the ratio of 60:40.

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