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    NPA:  Non-Performing Assets is a loan or advance wherein interest or installments of principal remain overdue for a period of 90 days. Classification of Non Performing Assets: 1. Sub-standard: When the NPAs have aged less than 12 months. 2. Doubtful: When the NPAs have aged more than 12 months. 3. Loss assets: When the bank or its auditors have identified the loss, but it has not been written off.


    RCEP: Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnershipis a trade deal between the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. RCEP covers about 30% of global gross domestic product (GDP), worth $26.2 trillion (€23.17 trillion), and nearly a third of the world’s population, some 2.2 billion people. Under RCEP, around 90% of trade tariffs within the bloc will eventually be eliminated. RCEP will also set common rules around trade, intellectual property, e-commerce and competition.


    Warsaw Pact: The Warsaw Pact (1955) was signed between Russia and her satellite states shortly after West Germany was admitted to NATO. The Pact was a mutual defense agreement, which the Western countries perceived as a reaction against West Germany’s membership of NATO.


    Padma Awards: The award seeks to recognize achievements in all fields of activities or disciplines where an element of public service is involved. The Padma Awards are conferred on the recommendations made by the Padma Awards Committee, which is constituted by the Prime Minister every year. The nomination process is open to the public. Even self-nomination can be made. The Padma Vibhushan had three classes namely Pahela Varg, Dusra Varg, and Tisra Varg. These were later renamed Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan, and Padma Shri through a Presidential Notification issued on January 8, 1955.


    Forest elephants: Forest elephants are listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as “Critically Endangered” — a category for species that have declined over 80 per cent within three generations. It has listed savanna elephants as “Endangered” — indicating a decline of over 50 per cent within three generations. Forest elephants are native to humid forests in West Africa and the Congo Basin. It is the smallest of the three living elephant species, reaching a shoulder height of 2.4 m (7 ft 10 in).

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