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    National Overseas Scholarship: In order to facilitate those students who, have low family income, the Government of India has launched a National Overseas scholarship. Through this scholarship scheme students belonging to scheduled caste, denotified Nomadic, and semi-Nomadic tribes, landless agricultural labourers and traditional artisans category will get financial assistance for their higher education. Through this scheme, financial assistance will be provided to the selected candidate for pursuing the masters-level course and Ph.D. abroad in the accredited institution or university. The revised guidelines for the scheme uploaded on its website by the ministry of social justice and empowerment on Thursday has introduced the following clause: “Topics /courses concerning Indian Culture/ Heritage/ History/ Social Studies on India based research topic shall not be covered under NOS. The final decision as to which Topic can be covered under such category will rest with Selection-cum-Screening Committee of NOS.”


    e-NAM: e – National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal that nets the prevailing Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMC) Mandis for making a united national market for agricultural commodities. The e-NAM project would operate via the online portal that is linked to the states’ Mandis (Wholesale markets). All the participating states will be providing the software (Website and Mobile Application) for e-NAM at no cost.


    Lokpal: is headed by the incumbent Chief Justice of India or a retired judge. It has eight members, four of whom are judicial members. It has an inquiry wing and a prosecution wing to deal with investigation and prosecution, respectively. The director of prosecution files the case in the special court based on the findings of the Lokpal. The Lokpal has jurisdiction to inquire into allegations of corruption against the Prime Minister, Ministers, Members of Parliament, Group A, B, C and D officers and officials of the central government.


    Compulsory Licensing: allows governments to license third parties (that is, parties other than the patent holders) to produce and market a patented product or process without the consent of patent owners. Any time after three years from date of sealing of a patent, application for compulsory license can be made, provided: Reasonable requirements of public have not been satisfied; Patented invention is not available to public at a reasonably affordable price; Patented inventions are not carried out in India. Compulsory Licencing is regulated under the Indian Patent Act, 1970.


    Consumer Food Price Index: is a measure of change in retail prices of food items consumed by the population. Under the CSO’s CFPI, the index gives food price level changes for rural, urban and all India basis. The base year used in CFPI is 2012 as in the case of CPI.


    TRIPS: Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Right establishes minimum standards for the availability, scope, and use of seven forms of intellectual property namely, trademarks, copyrights, geographical indications, patents, industrial designs, layout designs for integrated circuits, and undisclosed information or trade secrets. It applies basic international trade principles regarding intellectual property to member states. It is applicable to all WTO members. TRIPS Agreement lays down the permissible exceptions and limitations for balancing the interests of intellectual property with the interests of public health and economic development.


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