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Daily Prelims Booster 2nd September 2023


    Daily Prelims Booster 2nd September 2023

    1) Press and Registration of Books (PRB) Act, 1867: Centre has issued a notification for implementation of amendments to provisions of PRB  Act 1867.

    • Amendments were brought under Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provisions) Act, 2023
    • Key Highlights
      • Removed provision of imprisonment and rationalised quantum of fines.
      • Press Registrar can suspend or cancel certificate of registration on grounds of irregularity, not furnishing annual statement, etc.
      • Jurisdiction of Press and Registration Appellate Board extended

    2) Fungi: UN Biodiversity has urged people to use word ‘funga’ along with ‘flora and fauna’, to highlight importance of fungi.

    • Fungi, along with Animalia, Plantae, Protista, and Monera, form the Five Kingdom Classification of biology.
    • Characteristics of Fungi:
      • Cell Type: Eukaryotic
      • Cell wall: Present with chitin
      • Nuclear membrane: Present
      • Body organisation: Multiceullar/loose tissue
      • Mode of nutrition: Heterotrophic (Saprophytic/Parasitic)

    3) Kakapo or owl parrot: Genetic mapping of Kakapo will help in their conservation.

    • It is found in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
    • IUCN Status: Critically Endangered
    • Threats – Habitat loss, introduction of new predators increases in hunting.
    • Features:
      • Large, flightless, nocturnal parrot.
      • Breeds once every two to five years.
      • Feeds on leaves, stems, roots, fruit, nectar, seeds, etc.

    4) Fiberization: Pace of laying out optical fibre in the country has increased since the launch of 5G services.

    • Fiberisation is the process of connecting radio towers with each other via optical fibre cables.
    • It facilitates full utilisation of network capacity and carries large amounts of data used in 5G services.
    • It will also aid in providing additional bandwidth and stronger backhaul support.
    • In India, currently around 38% of the towers are fiberized, compared to 80%-90% in U.S., Japan and China
