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Daily Prelims 3rd October 2023


    Daily Prelims 3rd October 2023

    1) Intelligent Grievance Monitoring System (IGMS) 2.0: Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) launched IGMS 2.0. Public Grievance portal and Automated Analysis in Tree Dashboard portal.  

    • Ministry: Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions.  
    • Implementing Agency: IIT Kanpur  
    • Objectives: To provides instant tabular analysis of Grievances Filed & Disposed, State-wise & District-wise Grievances Filed & Ministry-wise data of Centralised Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS).  
    • It is enabled with Artificial Intelligence capabilities. 


    2) Index of Industrial Production (IIP): IIP is a ratio which measures the growth of various sectors in the economy.  

    • IIP data is released every month by Central Statistics Office (CSO), the current base year is 2011-12.  
    • The IIP comprises 3 broad sectors: Manufacturing, Mining and Electricity.  
    • The weightage of all 8 core industries in IIP is 40.27 %.  
    • In IIP, the decreasing order of core industries among them is as Refinery Products (weight: 28.04%) > Electricity (19.85%)> Steel (17.92%) > Coal (10.33%) > Crude Oil (8.98%) > Natural gas (6.88%)> Cement (5.37%)> Fertilizers (2.63%) 


    3) Scheduled Classification of CPSE: Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd. (IREDA), a Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE), has been upgraded from Schedule B to Schedule A.  

    • It will help IREDA in upgrading from Mini Ratna (Category– I) to Navratna status.  
    • CPSEs are classified into in to 4 Schedules, namely A, B, C & D.  
    • It was introduced in the year 1965 for purposes of determining the pay scales of Board level executives.  
    • Department of Public Enterprises has laid down criteria for categorization and revision (up gradation)  
    • Quantitative: Investment, net sales, profit, etc.  
    • Qualitative: National importance, level of technology, etc 


    4) Pink Bollworm(PBW): The infestation by this insect pest has been common in the cotton belt of northern Rajasthan, Haryana and South-western Punjab since 2021.  

    • Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) cotton which incorporates genes from a soil bacteria that code for proteins toxic to the American bollworm, has lost its efficacy against PBW.  
      • Scientific Name: Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders)  
      • Native To: Possibly the eastern Indian Ocean region.  
      • Impact: Adults lay eggs on cotton bolls; once hatched, the larvae eat the seeds and damage the fibres of the cotton, reducing the yield and quality 
