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Daily Prelims 5th October 2023


    Daily Prelims 5th October 2023

    1) International Criminal Court (ICC): Armenia’s Parliament voted to join the International Criminal Court 

    • Genesis: Established by Rome Statute of International Criminal Court in 1998.  
    • About: It is a permanent international court to investigate and prosecute individuals accused of serious international crimes: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and aggression.  
    • Members:  123 countries are party to Rome Statute. India is not a member. 


    2) Guaranteed Pension System (GPS): Andhra Pradesh’s GPS is a hybrid of the old pension schemes (OPS) and new pension schemes (NPS).  

    • OPS: Guarantees the quantum of pension, factors in inflation and pay commission hikes but is costly and unsustainable.  
    • NPS: Market condition decides the quantum of pension, but protects a state fiscal health.  
    • GPS:  
    • It is a contributory scheme that guarantees government employees a monthly pension of 50% of their last-drawn salary and includes dearness allowance relief.  
    • Any short- fall in the returns from NPS is funded by the government. 


    3) Gravity battery: A gravity battery is a type of electricity storage device that involves lifting (charging) and lowering (discharging) a heavy weight.   

    • When there is plenty of green energy, the batteries use the power to lift a heavy weight (or blocks) either high into the air or to the top of a deep shaft.   
    • When electricity demand picks up, the blocks are lowered one by one, releasing kinetic energy that is used to rotate a motor and generate electricity 


    4) Nanoparticles in Air: A study identified increasing Nanoparticles in Delhi’s air.  

    • A nanoparticle is a small particle that ranges between 1 to 100 nanometres (10−9 m) in size. 
    • In urban environments, nanoparticles mainly from combustion process in automobiles, and can contribute up to 90% to the total particle number concentration.  
    • Nanoparticles can penetrate deeper into respiratory system than other pollutant.  
    • It can be transported from respiratory system to other parts of human body, creating more chronic and acute illnesses. 


    Places in News: 

    1) Slovakia (Capital: Bratislava)   

    • Slovakia’s leftist election winner Robert Fico got a two-week window to negotiate a coalition government.  
    • Political Boundaries  
    • Landlocked country of central Europe.  
    • Bordered by Poland (north), Ukraine (east), Hungary (south), Austria (southwest) and Czech Republic (west). 
    • Geographical features  
    • Highest peak: Gerlach Peak.  
    • Major river: Váh River, Danube River.  
    • Major Lakes: Lake Orava, Velke Hincovo Pleso 



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